Public Engagement Portfolio - Professional Staff

Key details: This training portfolio brings together all the workshops and practical sessions you need to cover the practicalities of engagement and develop the personal and professional skills needed to organise deliver evaluate and reflect upon your activities.


  • Professional staff

Programme information

OSDS and the Public Engagement Research (PER) Team have developed a portfolio of activities to ensure that professional staff have the skills and knowledge to enable them to participate in PE successfully and be recognised for their endeavours. Please discuss this programme and obtain approval from your manager before submitting your request.

On completion of a range of PE development activities participants will be awarded a certificate of completion. The portfolio is mapped to Domain D of Vitae’s Research Development Framework – Engagement, Influence and Impact. Once your place on PEP is confirmed, search for activities in PDMS using you usual audience cohort in the drop-down menu.


6 courses - you have to complete all of the following instances:

  • Delivery Session: taking part in delivering public engagement with an external audience - Professional Staff
  • Evaluation of Public Engagement
  • Finding your (public engagement) voice
  • Practical public engagement
  • Project Management: an Introduction
    • Wednesday 9 October 2024
    • Wednesday 26 March 2025
  • Self-reflection Report: prompted by a questionnaire from the PER team - Professional Staff


26 courses - you have to complete 6 of the following:

  • Engaging with Public Policy
  • Explorathon Training: Festivals and Schools
  • EXPLORATHON: Wiki Workshops
  • Funny research: Bright Club stand-up comedy workshop
  • Lunchtime Legends: Engaging with the Public - Schools and Public Engagement
  • Lunchtime Legends: Engaging with the Public - Working with Broadcast Media
  • Lunchtime Legends: Leading a Research Group
  • Managing people in research teams
  • Managing Research Information: an introduction to impact, open access, Pure, data management
  • Managing Research Information: impact in depth
  • Managing Research Information: publishing research data
  • Managing Research Information: Pure, hands-on training
  • Marketing for Researchers
  • Online Kintish Networking Courses - - Professional Staff
  • Practical video production
  • Professional networking for researchers: strategy and engaging
  • Public Engagement for Professional Staff
  • Quiet Leadership
  • Research data: why, when and how to publish them
    • Tuesday 8 October 2024
    • Monday 28 April 2025
  • Research data; why, when and how to publish them
  • Research Funding: An Introduction
  • Time Management
  • Visualise your Research: 1-to-1 consultation sessions
  • Visualise your Research: Showcase
  • Visualise your Research: Training session
  • Writing for a Public Audience

Programme organiser
