British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships
The School of Modern Languages at the University of St Andrews welcomes applications from outstanding Early Career Researchers to the British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship scheme for 2022/2023. The School has recently successfully recruited a candidate to this scheme and is looking to attract more postdocs to St Andrews.
Full details on the scheme are available on the British Academy’s web site.
Applications are welcomed from candidates who have a strong research profile and meet the eligibility criteria.
Interested candidates should contact the Director of Research, Professor Bettina Bildhauer at the earliest opportunity.
Candidates will be required to submit the following to by Thursday 15 September 2022:
- Short project description (maximum 2 pages)
- CV (2 pages)
- The name of a proposed mentor at the University of St Andrews
- A short statement on how their research project fits the research profile of the School of Modern Languages at the University of St Andrews (200 words)
Following an internal selection process, successful candidates will be invited to submit their proposal through the British Academy’s Flexi-Grant application system. The final deadline for submissions is Wednesday 12 October 2022.