Entry requirements for Honours

This page explains the progression threshold and requirements for entry to Honours Management.

Entry requirements

If you intend to continue your studies in Management, either as a Single Degree or a Joint Degree with another subject, the requirement for entry to Honours is that you achieve an average mark of at least 11 across 2000 level Management modules MN2001 and MN2002.

More information is in the 'Entry to honours' policy, www.st-andrews.ac.uk/media/teaching-and-learning/policies/honsentry.pdf

Qualified entry to Honours

Students who do not achieve automatic Honours Entry and wish to enter Honours must satisfy the conditions below:

  • have achieved a grade of 4.0 or above in each of the requisite 2000 level modules; and
  • take the Honours Entry examinations for one or more requisite modules in which they did not previously achieve grade 11.0 or above, such that the conditions for automatic Honours Entry are met when the best grade now achieved in each module is considered; and
  • have gained at least 240 credits.

Overall grades resulting from Honours Entry examinations are calculated in the same way as for reassessment in the relevant modules. Students who meet these conditions, and all other programme requirements and Faculty regulations, will be given qualified offers into BSc/MA programmes.

An Honours Entry examination can only be taken in the same academic year as the first completed enrolment in the relevant requisite module.