Fire safety and emergency information
Notices are displayed detailing your exit routes and assembly points in the event of fire. All students should familiarise themselves with this information.
Discovering fire
If you discover a fire:
- sound the alarm by breaking the nearest glass fire call point. This will set off the building fire alarm. Any door entry restrictions, such as swipe card access, will be automatically cancelled when the fire alarm is activated.
- telephone the Fire Service on 9-999 (or 999 from phones out with the University) and request the attendance of the Fire Service. The sounding of a building fire alarm does not mean the Fire Service are automatically alerted. You should make the emergency call every time.
Do not fight a fire which is large and/or spreading or if you are unsure of the type of extinguisher to use on the fire.
Fire alarm
If you hear the fire alarm:
- leave the building immediately, closing windows and doors behind you if this can be done quickly
- follow your nearest exit route to the agreed assembly point and stay there until authorised to return by a Fire Officer.
If your usual exit route is blocked by smoke, stop, change direction and find an alternative exit route. You should still go to the normal assembly point for your workplace.
Do not:
- stop to collect personal belongings
- use any lifts
- re-enter the building until authorised by a Fire Officer.
Fire assembly point
The grass area beside the picnic tables is the Fire Assembly or 'Muster' point for the Gateway Building
Fire alarm testing
The fire alarm will be tested between 9.00am and 9.30am every Wednesday. This test is organised and recorded by Estates staff. The alarm will ring for only a few seconds. If the fire alarm is activated and continues to ring, then it is not a test.
Actions by persons requiring assistance
A person who requires assistance in the event of a fire is expected to:
- familiarise themselves with the established procedures of the building
- contact a member of staff to arrange for the appropriate nominated person to discuss an agreed fire evacuation plan
- cooperate with the agreed procedures for safe evacuation in the event of fire.
Fire wardens
There are a number of staff in the Gateway Building acting as volunteer fire wardens. Fire wardens assist with evacuating the building in the event of a fire alarm sounding.
Students are reminded that the misuse of any safety, fire or first aid equipment will result in disciplinary action.