Diversity management in videogames studios

15 February 2023

School of Management Research and Development Fellow Mindy Grewar and Senior Lecturer Dr Shiona Chillas are analysing results from an international survey of videogames worker experiences related to diversity management activity – or lack of it – in their studios. Mindy and Shiona, who is director of the School's Institute for Capitalising on Creativity (ICC), are collaborating with Abertay University researchers and advocacy body Women in Games, who issued the survey questionnaire, as part of InGAME, the AHRC-grant funded research and development programme based in Dundee's videogames industry cluster.

Globally, while videogames and interactive media have grown to become the most economically valuable of the creative industries, the sector is trying to improve its reputation for:

  • predominantly white and male workforces
  • role segregation, with most female employees working in 'soft' roles such as HR and design rather than tech or senior management
  • misogynistic workplace culture, as revealed through public media attention such as Gamergate and #metoo.

Mindy and Shiona will be publishing their analysis of studio efforts toward equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI), and the Women in Games guide for employers is now available for download: 'Building a Fair Playing Field'.

two women with laptops and notebooks sitting at table looking at woman talking

Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash