Welcome for distinguished alumna

17 May 2022

In May 2022, members of the School of Management welcomed visiting University of St Andrews alumna Helen Hwang.

Helen was a study abroad student in St Andrews in 1986-1987 from the University of Virginia.

In 'A change of destiny', Helen's contribution to the alumni stories blog series, she describes the year as a life changing experience that spurred a decision to switch her studies from medicine to economics, helped by focusing on Management, Divinity, and Spanish during that transformative time in St Andrews. Management was taught in the then Department of Economics until 1987 when Management was established as its own department.

Head of School Professor Tobias Jung said:

"It was an absolutely pleasure to meet Helen. This year, we celebrate 35 years of Management at the University of St Andrews and Helen was amongst the first cohort of management students at the University. Learning about how her time at St Andrews shaped her career choices and how she has excelled on the international political and business stage – including as Principal Commercial Consul for the American Consulate General Osaka-Kobe and Commercial Section Chief of the American Institute in Taiwan – are truly inspiring.

We look forward to Helen returning again this autumn and sharing her career story and reflections with our School of Management community."

Helen Hwang wears a School of Management tartan scarf in the photo below, where she is shown with Professor Jung.

Helen Hwang and Tobias Jung stand either side of a University of St Andrews School of Management banner. Helen wears a scarf in the School's tartan.