Young families and schooling during French lockdown

12 May 2021

Dr Laurence Lasselle, from the University of St Andrews School of Management, organised an online symposium called 'School at home: The lived experience of families with young children during the first COVID-19 lockdown in France', which was held in May 2021. Her co-organiser was Dr Alice Moscaritolo, from the Université Fédérale de Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées, France.

Participants from six countries gathered to learn more about a study exploring the unprecedented situation faced by families because of school and preschool closures in France during the first COVID-19 lockdown. Discussion centred on initial findings from the interdisciplinary project COV-JEUNENFANT (COVID- Young Child).

By considering this research, the symposium aimed to inform ways of maintaining sustainable, inclusive, and supportive connections between families and schooling – connections that can address current and future challenges.

The symposium featured invited speakers Amalia Martinez and Maud Martinasso, both from Université Fédérale de Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées, France.

The event was for European Educational Research Association's Network 14 (EERA Network 14), which focusses on communities, families and schooling in educational research. Dr Lasselle serves as link convenor of EERA Network 14.

See more on the full symposium Padlet.

small observation wheel next to frame of a video of Dr Laurence Lassells and the words, Hello and welcome