Prof Frank Lorenz Müller

Prof Frank Lorenz Müller


Researcher profile



Research areas

My research interests address the political and cultural history of Europe, especially of Germany and Britain and their mutual relationship in the Long Nineteenth Century. I am particularly interested in nationalism, liberalism, imperialism, militarism, foreign policy, biography and the role of monarchy throughout the nineteenth century. I completed a monograph on the German Emperor Frederick III (1831-1888) and his place within Germany's political culture for Harvard University Press (2011) and Siedler Verlag (2013). Following on from this I led a comparative research project exploring the roles of heirs to the throne in 19th-century Europe. This has resulted in further publications, including a history of royal heirs in 19th-century Europe: "Die Thronfolger. Macht und Zukunft der Monarchie im 19. Jahrhundert" (Siedler, 2019).

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