Sustainability policies, governance and processes in a global corporation (ConocoPhillips)

28 February 2019

SGSD recently hosted a presentation and panel discussion on the theme of Sustainability policies, governance and processes in a global corporation.

In association with the 21st anniversary of the St Andrews Prize for the Environment, we were delighted to welcome the Principal, Professor Sally Mapstone, to a packed Forbes Room and to hear her welcome our speakers Lloyd Visser (global Head of Sustainable Development at ConocoPhillips) and Paul Hatton (ConocoPhillips UK decommissioning team) to our community. Organized by Professor Bill Austin, the panel also comprised fellow St Andrews Prize screening committee members Dr Rehema White (SGSD) and Professor Anne Magurran (School of Biology).

ConocoPhillips have just released their first climate change report, ‘Managing Climate-Related Risks’. This document consolidates the company’s climate-related disclosures to provide improved accessibility to content, meet evolving reporting guidelines and respond to increased stakeholder expectations.  Of particular note is that the ConocoPhillips report follows the recommendations from the task force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) that have emerged to guide companies as they provide information to investors, the financial sector (credit rating agencies, lenders, insurers) and other stakeholders.

Following his visit, Lloyd Visser noted: “I very much appreciated the engagement …... None of these complex issues are going away and I learn a lot by listening to the questions and concerns from others who are thinking about energy and climate change.  It’s a very important challenge for all of us.”

The photo below shows Principal, Professor Sally Mapstone (front-centre) with members of the panel.

Sally Mapstone, Bill Austin, Rehema White and other panel members