Award for Kirsty Sinclair Dootson’s collaborative research on Chinese colour cinema

26 August 2021

Kirsty Sinclair Dootson’s co-authored article has won a Screen Biennial Award with collaborator Zhaoyu Zhu (King’s College London).

The Screen Award recognises the best paper submitted to the journal during a two-year period, as judged by a panel of two Screen editors and two external assessors. This year Kirsty Sinclair Dootson and Zhaoyu Zhu (King’s College London) won for their co-authored article 'Did Madame Mao dream in Technicolor? Rethinking Cold War colour cinema through Technicolor’s "Chinese copy"' (Screen 61/3, Autumn 2020). The article explores why the Maoist government selected Technicolor, a colour-filmmaking process synonymous with Hollywood glamour, to produce communist propaganda cinema during the Cultural Revolution.

You can read the full article here.