Postgraduate news from the School of English

7 September 2017

Patrick Errington recently won the 2017 Wigtown Poetry Competition and will be reading at the Wigtown Book Festival on 30 September. New poems will also be appearing in The Boston Review and Copper Nickel in October. In addition, Patrick’s French translation (with Laure Gall) of PJ Harvey's The Hollow of the Hand, entitled Au creux de la main, is now available from Éditions l’Àge d’Homme, and his own pamphlet of poetry is ready for publication by Ignition Press in early 2018. For further information, see the publisher's website

In October Zoë Sutherland will take up a research fellowship at the International Center for Humanities and Social Change at the University of California, Santa Barbara, where she will continue her work on the interconnections between legal philosophy and imaginative literature, as part of an interdisciplinary team addressing issues around 'Fact and Value - after Truth'. Zoë studies the role of poetic making in how individuals come to know and value each other in the early modern period, as this relates to questions of freedom and equality in our own, a subject she will offer a course on at UCSB in the spring.