Dr Batzi Fischer

Dr Batzi Fischer


Researcher profile

+44 (0)1334 46 3905



  • Diplom (M.Sc. equivalent) in Geology from the University of Mainz in Germany
  • PhD in Geology from the University of St Andrews
  • since 2018 managing some of the geochemistry facilities at the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences and teaching on degree programmes offered at our School


  • 1st year mineralogy
  • field courses at all levels
  • 5th year analytical methods (module coordinator)
  • sample preparation for dissertation students

Research areas

Currently, my particular interest is in early Earth geology and the geology and petrology of igneous and metamorphic rocks. I use and test the tools of a petrologist to contribute to our understanding of the evolution of Earth's crust (e.g. crustal growth and reworking) and secular changes in Earth history (e.g. when did plate tectonics start?).

Although analytical work and quantitative data are crucial for any natural science, I believe that fieldwork is indespensable and the foundation for Earth Science research. It allows us to put our petrological/geochemical measurements and findings into a geological context, and only then can we use them to understand how "Earth works".

Selected publications


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