All four 1st year PhD students have now passed their candidacy exams
All of the 1st year PhD students have passed their candidacy exams and are now-fully fledged PhD students. Clockwise from the top left are:
Sebastian Nava De La Peña. Thesis title: Formation of economic-grade Archean lithium pegmatites and their role in crustal evolution.
Joseph Metcalfe. Thesis title: The Shackleton Range of East Antarctica: unravelling a complex geological history via an integrated geochronological, geochemical and geophysical approach.
Joseph Benson. Thesis title: Developing a 4D petrogenetic model for metamorphism, magmatism and Li-Sn-Ta mineralized pegmatites in the northern Damara Orogen, Namibia.
Fawn Holland. Thesis title: The elemental and isotopic behaviour of nitrogen during igneous and metamorphic processes.