A collection of example pages built using the digital pattern library.
This reflects the current layout of the University home page.
This is recommended for key sections or stand alone sub-sites.
The various news based patterns used to promote the important articles.
Provide quick access to all the important sub-pages of a section.
A typical page containing a main column and an aside using various types of content.
A gallery of images that can be viewed in a lightbox.
A list of contacts that link to further information about each person in a modal window.
A list of contacts that link to further information about each person in a new page.
Details about an individual.
Including tab, filters and facets will make finding information simpler.
A typical news article with header, content, media and comments.
A typical blog post with header, content and comments.
A sample of common form field configurations.
This should only be used for story pages.
Header, footer and collapsing side menu that is suitable for a wide range of web applications.