Science and religion summer school 2018

27 January 2018

22 June to 12 July 2018. For ages 16 to 18, the International Summer Programme (ISP) offers pupils from around the world the unique opportunity to experience courses taught in the Scottish academic tradition by current academic staff.

This course offers students the opportunity to explore the burgeoning field of science and religion. Students will examine and challenge the idea that religion and the natural sciences exist in fundamental conflict. You will be exposed to various perspectives from the fields of cosmology, psychology, philosophy, biology, and theology. Beyond a mere historical overview of the relationship between science and religion, students will have the chance to tackle such pressing questions as:

  • Was the universe created? What about the Big Bang?
  • Does evolution disprove religion?
  • Is there a soul?
  • Does neuroscience disprove religious belief?
  • What about evil and suffering in the natural world?

Beyond lectures taught by scholars from various fields, students will engage in small group tutorials and participate in group projects addressing various ‘hot topics’ within the field of science and religion.

No prior scientific or theological background is required, and all are welcome. The primary goal of this course is to facilitate relationships between students and scholars, which will enable creative engagement with the key questions of science and religion.