Update your contact details

This form is for alumni to provide us with up-to-date contact details.

This form is for use by alumni only.

If you are a current student please update your details via MySaint.
Parents and friends of the University should send their updates to alumni@st-andrews.ac.uk.


Please enter name at graduation if different

Email communications

The University of St Andrews would like to communicate with you via email. Opting in to receiving emails reduces the University’s printing and postage as well as being environmentally friendly. Please only complete this section if you wish to provide a new email address or change of email address to the University.

Please add/update this email address to my record
  • If we hold your email address on your record, your existing email communication permissions will be applied to your new email address provided above.
  • If we do not hold this email address on your record, we will send you a link to the email address provided above to allow you to provide your email communication permissions.


Business details


To help us verify this update as legitimate, please provide us with as many of the following details of your time here at St Andrews, otherwise we may have to contact you to confirm your identity.

For example: First, 2.1
If you are updating your email address please provide your previous email address for security reasons or we may have to contact you.
If you have updated your address please provide your old address for security reasons or we may have to contact you.

Any other information

Please let us know if there are any other changes for your record e.g. a change in your marital or civil status affecting how we address you in communications.

Please note: we rely on alumni and friends to inform us if records can be linked e.g. where couples live at the same address and printed communications, such as the Chronicle magazine, can be mailed jointly. Conversely, where records have been linked and circumstances change, please inform us so that we can update our records accordingly.

Details of how the University makes use of your personal data and protects your privacy are available in the Data and Privacy Notice.