Tutorial Contents

Histogram: External Data

Data source

Optimal bin width

Rug plot

Fit mixtures

Kernel density estimate


Circular plot


Histogram: External Data

You can use histogram facilities such as fitting mixtures of different distributions, calculating kernel density estimates (KDEs) etc. with data from sources external to DataView.

Note: to appear in a DataView histogram, data values must be equal to or greater than the lower bound (left-hand X axis scale) and less than the upper bound (right-hand X axis scale).

Data source

The external data source should be a plain-text list of numbers, with one number per line. There are 3 ways to load such data into the histogram:

  1. Copy the numbers onto the clipboard outside of DataView, and then click the Paste button in the histogram dialog.
  2. Click the Load button in the dialog and select a text file (.txt) containing the data.
  3. Drag-and-drop a text file containing the data from File Explorer onto the histogram dialog.

Do not open it yet, but be aware that the file mixed gauss.txt (linked below) contains 1000 random numbers. The first 500 are drawn from a normal distribution with mean 0, the second 500 from a normal distribution with mean 3. In both cases the standard deviation is 1.

If you click the link, most browsers will open the file and display the numbers. You can then select them (usually control-a) and copy them to the clipboard (control-c). Then click the browser Back button to return to this page.

Alternatively, you can

After the histogram data loads, simple descriptive statistics from the raw data are shown in a box above the histogram display. However, these are only meaningful if the data follow a single normal distribution, which these do not. Mixture analysis is described below.

Optimal bin width

The purpose of a histogram is to give an easily-understood visual representation of the distribution of numerical data. However, one problem is that the visual appearance is very dependent on the axis scales and bin number, and it can be quite misleading if these are inappropriate.

DataView implements a Bayesian algorithm for calculating the optimal bin number.

The histogram should now have 15 (rather than the default 50) bins. Further details are given here.

Rug plot

A series of red marks appear under the histogram. Each mark represents an actual value from the data generating the histogram, and each mark is positioned on the X-axis at the appropriate place for its value. This is a rug plot, which is analogous to a histogram with zero-width bins, or a 1-dimensional scatter plot.

Fit mixtures

DataView allows the histogram to be analysed as a mixture of normal (or other) distributions, and since the distribution appears bi-modal (and in fact we know the underlying data are bi-modal) this is appropriate here.

Full details of the fit methodology are given elsewhere, so only an executive summary is given here.

A red line appears in the histogram display. This is a scaled PDFPDF = probability density function. drawn from the unimodal descriptive stastics, and it is clearly not a good fit to the histogram.

The histogram display now shows a bi-modal PDF, and the Fit Mixtures dialog shows that these occur in about equal proportion, with mean values of about 0 and 3, and standard deviations of about 1. In other words, the automatic cluster method has correctly identified the parameters of the two component distributions that were used to generate the original numbers.

The Cluster method attempts to automatically discover clusters in the original data, and it uses these to construct the mixed PDF. You can also fit the PDF directly to the histogram bin counts, but this method is not automatic - it requires an initial estimate of the number of mixtures and their parameters. However, we already have this from the Cluster process.

There is a slight change in parameter values, but essentially the values of the original data distribution are again fully recovered.

If you want to just see the PDF, without seeing the histogram at all:

The same applies to the KDE display (see below).

Kernel density estimation (KDE)

Kernel density estimation (KDEThe KDE is also sometimes called the Parzen–Rosenblatt window method, after the statisticians who invented it.) in DataView is a way of smoothing histograms without making assumptions about the underlying distribution of the data. It uses the raw data underlying the histogram, rather than the binned data, and so it is not affected by varying the bin number or width in the histogram, which can have a major effect on the appearance of the histogram. KDE works best with data that do not have "hard edges" - i.e. where the histogram bin counts decline graduallyAlthough, of course, the visual appearance depends on the choice of bin number, which is what we are trying to by-pass with the KDE in the first place. towards zero at either end.

To produce a KDE, each point in the raw data is replaced by a non-negative symmetrical shape that is centred on the point itself. The shape is the "kernel", and typically it is a Gaussian curve, although other shapes can be used if desired. The shape has a specified width called the bandwidth. The values of all these shapes are then summed together and scaled, with the resulting curve \(\hat{f}_h(x)\) being the KDE at value x. Thus:

$$\hat{f}_h(x) = \frac{1}{nh} \sum_{i=1}^{n} K(\frac{x-x_i}{h})$$

where K is the kernel and h is the smoothing parameter (bandwidth).

To see the process producing a KDE we can use the simple list of 3 numbers below:


A single bar of height 1 should appear in the histogram spanning -4 : -3 on the X axis. The rug plot shows that the datum is actually located at -4.

The Kernel Density Estimation dialog appears showing the parameters for the estimate. Note that a Gaussian kernel is selected, and the User specified Bandwidth is 1.

A blue line appears superimposed on the histogram. This is the KDE. It is a simple Gaussian (normal) curve centred on the datum value of -4, and with a standard deviation of 1. The area under the curve is the same as the area of the histogram box (i.e. 1).

The histogram now has 2 bars, and a normal curve has been centred on each. The blue line shows the sum of these curves, but they are sufficiently far apart that each has declined to 0 before it meets the other and so they do not interact.

The histogram now has 3 bars. A normal curve has been centred on each, but the 2 right-hand curves are fairly close together and their tails overlap. The KDE thus does not decline to 0 between these curves.

Wikipedia has an extensive article on KDE, with a worked example that is reproducedI wanted to make sure my code produced the same output as Wikipedia! below.

At this point the DataView histogram should look like the Wikipedia example. For comparison, they are shown below.

DataView KDE
fixed latency vs cycle period error

Kernel density estimation in a histogram. a. A histogram generated in DataView from numerical values on Wikipedia. Note that the histogram bins have been set to a pale colour to make the KDE more obvious. b. An edited version of images from Wikipedia, with the KDE superimposed on the histogram. The kernels generated by the individual data values are shown in red, their sum is shown in blue.

Bandwidth Choice

One problem with generating a KDE is deciding on the best bandwidth, which can have a crucial effect on the shape of the KDE and hence the interpretation of the data.

If the bandwidth is too small (0.3) it leads to under smoothing, and every lump and bump in the histogram is reflected in the KDEIn the extreme, the KDE would become a simple rug plot.. If it is too large (3) it leads to over smoothing, and every KDE looks uni-modal. Unfortunately there is no easily-generalizable method for deciding on the optimum bandwidth, although there is an extensive literature on the subject. One thing that is generally agreed is that having more data generates more reliable bandwidth estimates, and most automated methods work better with data that has an approximately Gaussian distribution, althought possibly mixed.

You can enter a bandwidth specifically if the User option is selected (as previously). This allows "by-eye" adjustment of the KDE fit to the histogram. DataView also implements some automatic methods for estimating bandwidth. These have the advantage of being objective, but can produce clearly wrong values with weird data.

The Default: Standard method (Scott's rule of thumb) usually works well with unimodal normal distributions:

$$h =\left (\frac{4\hat{\sigma}^5}{3n}\right)^{\frac{1}{5}} \approx 1.07\hat{\sigma}n^{-1/5}$$

The Default: Silverman's (rule of thumb) method produces somewhat narrow bandwidths, and is better for multi-modal or non-normal data:

$$h = 0.9 \min\left(\hat{\sigma},\frac{IQR}{1.34}\right)n^{-\frac{1}{5}}$$

where IQR is the inter-quartile range. (Both of these formulae come from the Wikipedia page, although they are widely available from other sources too.)

Optimal (fast) and Optimal (safe) both attempt to optimize the bandwidth in terms of the AMISE (asymptotic mean square error). The fast method is faster than the safe method, but the latter is less likely to fail to converge. The algorithms for these are a direct translation of the Perl code released by P.K. Janert. Both produce much narrower bandwidth values than the default methods, which means that they follow histogram peaks more closely, but they can under-smooth data which follow a genuine normal distribution. They can only be calculated if the Gaussian kernel type is selected.

Circular plot

Some measurements occur within a contrained range and are "circular" in nature, where a value at one end of the range represents something that is very close to a value at the other end of the range. Thus a time just before midnight is only a few minutes away from a time just after midnight, but expressed as decimal 24-hour clock values, 23.9 and 0.1 would contribute to bins at the opposite end of the scale in a normal histogram .

The solution to such a misleading display is to present the data in a circular histogram plot (a rose plot), and to use specialized circular statistics (Zar, 2010) to describe them.

The data nominally represent navigational bearings measured as angular degrees. The normal histogram makes it look as if there are two separate bearings, and the Descriptive statistics suggest that the mean value is 168°. However, this ignores the fact that the data wrap-around at the values 0 and 360, which actually represent the same direction.

A new Circular Plot dialog displays, showing the data are clustered in a northerly direction, and span across the 0/360° wrap-around bearing. The descriptive statistics indicate the mean angle, the dispersion about the mean, the strength of the directionality and the probability that this pattern could have arisen by chance if the values followed a uniform random distribution.

To get a feel for how to interpret the plot and statistics:

For instance, if you just copy the 3s, the mean is 3 and the standard deviation 0 (not surprising) and the vector strength is 1. The probability is highly significant. If you copy and paste all the numbers, the mean is still 3 (it would be 2 in non-circular data), the standard deviation is 0.735, the vector strength is 0.33+, and the probability is not significant.