S. Richter, M. Thornton, I. Khan, H. Scott, K. Jaksch, U. Vogl, B. Stiller, G. Leuchs, C. Marquardt, N. Korolkova:
Agile and versatile quantum communication: signatures and secrets
Physical Review X 11, 011038 (2021)
Agile cryptography allows for a resource-efficient swap of a cryptographic core in case the security of an underlying classical cryptographic algorithm becomes compromised. Conversely, versatile cryptography allows the user to switch the cryptographic task without requiring any knowledge of its inner workings. In this paper, we suggest how these related principles can be applied to the field of quantum cryptography by explicitly demonstrating two quantum cryptographic protocols, quantum digital signatures (QDS) and quantum secret sharing (QSS), on the same hardware sender and receiver platform. Crucially, the protocols differ only in their classical postprocessing. The system is also suitable for quantum key distribution (QKD) and is highly compatible with deployed telecommunication infrastructures, since it uses standard quadrature phase-shift keying encoding and heterodyne detection. For the first time, QDS protocols are modified to allow for postselection at the receiver, enhancing protocol performance. The cryptographic primitives QDS and QSS are inherently multipartite, and we prove that they are secure not only when a player internal to the task is dishonest, but also when (external) eavesdropping on the quantum channel is allowed. In our first proof-of-principle demonstration of an agile and versatile quantum communication system, the quantum states are distributed at GHz rates. A 1-bit message may be securely signed using our QDS protocols in less than 0.05 ms over a 2-km fiber link and in less than 0.2 s over a 20-km fiber link. To our knowledge, this also marks the first demonstration of a continuous-variable direct QSS protocol.
Articles submitted to refereed journals
- V. Nordgren, O. Leskovjanova, J. Provaznk, N. Korolkova and L. Mista Jr: Convicting emergent multipartite entanglement with evidence from a partially blind witness, submitted March 2021.
- D. F. Milne, N. V. Korolkova, P. van Loock: Topological quantum computation by displacing non-Gaussian states, manuscript
Published Articles
- S. Richter, M. Thornton, I. Khan, H. Scott, K. Jaksch, U. Vogl, B. Stiller, G. Leuchs, C. Marquardt, N. Korolkova: Agile and versatile quantum communication: signatures and secrets, Physical Review X 11, 011038 (2021).
- P. de la Hoz, A. Sakovich, A. Mikhalychev, M. Thornton, N. Korolkova, D. Mogilevtsev: Integrated source of path-entangled photon pairs with efficient pump self-rejection, Nanomaterials 10(10), 1952 (2020).
- M. Thornton, A. Sakovich, A. Mikhalychev, J.D. Ferrer, P. de la Hoz, N. Korolkova, D. Mogilevtsev: Coherent diffusive photon gun for generating non-classical states, Phys. Rev. Applied 12, 064051 (2019).
- M. Thornton, H. Scott, C. Croal, N. Korolkova: Continuous-variable quantum digital signatures over insecure channels, Phys. Rev. A 99, 032341 (2019).
- N. Korolkova, G. Leuchs: Quantum correlations in separable multi-mode states and in classically entangled light, invited review, in Rep. Prog. Phys., 82, 056001 (2019).
- J. Tiedau, V. S. Shchesnovich, D. Mogilevtsev, V. Ansari, G. Harder, T. Bartley, N. Korolkova, Ch. Silberhorn: Trading quantum states for temporal profiles: tomography by the overlap, New J. Phys. 20, 033003 (2018).
- S. Mukherjee, D. Mogilevtsev, G. Ya. Slepyan, T. H. Doherty, R. R. Thomson, N. Korolkova: Dissipatively coupled waveguide networks for coherent diffusive photonics, Nature Communications 8, 1909 (2017).
- T. J. Proctor, M. Giulian, N. Korolkova, E. Andersson, V. Kendon: Ancilla-driven quantum computation for qudits and continuous variables, Phys. Rev. A 95, 052317 (2017).
- C. Croal, Ch. Peuntinger, B. Heim, I. Khan, Ch. Marquardt, G. Leuchs, P. Wallden, E. Andersson, N. Korolkova: Free-space quantum signatures using heterodyne detection, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 100503 (2016).
- N. Quinn, C. Croal, N. Korolkova: Quantum discord and entanglement distribution as the flow of correlations through a dissipative quantum system, J. Russian Laser Research 36, p. 550 (2015) (Special issue for the International Year of Light).
- C. Croal, Ch. Peuntinger, V. Chille, Ch. Marquardt, G. Leuchs, N. Korolkova, L. Mišta: Entangling the whole by beam splitting a part, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 190501 (2015).
- A. Kohnle, C. Baily, A. Campbell, N. Korolkova and M. Paetkau: Enhancing student learning of two-level quantum systems with interactive simulations, Am. J. Phys. 83, 560 (2015).
- V. Chille, N. Quinn, C. Peuntinger, C. Croal, L. Mišta, Jr., Ch. Marquardt, G. Leuchs, N. Korolkova: Quantum nature of Gaussian discord: Experimental evidence and role of system-environment correlations, Phys. Rev. A 91, 050301(R) (2015).
- D. Mogilevtsev, G. Slepyan, E. Garusov, S. Kilin and N. Korolkova: Quantum tight-binding chains with dissipative coupling, New J. Phys. 17, 043065 (2015).
- G. Harder, D. Mogilevtsev, N. Korolkova, Ch. Silberhorn: Tomography by noise, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 070403 (2014). Highlighted as Editor´s Suggestion. Featured in Nature Photonics Reseach Highlights (N. Horiuchi, Nature Photonics 8, 812813 (2014)).
- R. Tatham and N. Korolkova: Entanglement concentration with quantum nondemolition Hamiltonians, Phys. Rev. A 89, 012308 (2014).
- R. Tatham and N. Korolkova: Quantum discord from system-environment correlations, Phys. Scr. T160, 014040 (2014).
- Ch. Peuntinger, V. Chille, L. Mišta, Jr., N. Korolkova, M. Förtsch, J. Korger, C. Marquardt, G. Leuchs: Distributing entanglement with separable states, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 230506 (2013). Featured in Physics 6, 132 (2013). Editor’s Suggestion. Cited 20.
- S. Ivanov, N. Vitanov, N. Korolkova: Creation of arbitrary Dicke and NOON states of trapped-ion qubits by global addressing with composite pulses, New J. Phys. 15, 023039 (2013).
- D. Mogilevtsev, A. Mikhalychev, V. S. Shchesnovich, and N. Korolkova: Nonlinear dissipation can combat linear loss, Phys. Rev. A 87, 063847 (2013).
- D. Vasylyev, F. Rozpedek, and N. Korolkova: Reconciliation witness and reliabilility of quantum atmospheric channel, Phys. Scr. T153, 014061 (2013).
- L. Mišta and N. Korolkova: Gaussian multipartite bound information, Phys. Rev. A 86, 040305(R) (2012).
- D. F Milne, N. V Korolkova and P. van Loock: Universal Quantum Computation with Continuous-Variable Abelian Anyons, Phys. Rev. A 85, 052325 (2012).
- D. F. Milne and N. V. Korolkova: Composite Cluster States and Alternative Architectures for One-Way Quantum Computation, Phys. Rev. A 85, 032310 (2012).
- R. Tatham, L. Mišta, G. Adesso and N. Korolkova: Nonclassical correlations in continuous-variable non-Gaussian Werner states, Phys. Rev. A 85, 022326 (2012).
- A. Kohnle, D. Cassettari, T. J. Edwards, C. Ferguson, A. D. Gillies, C. A. Hooley, N. Korolkova, J. Llama, B. D. Sinclair: A new multimedia resource for teaching quantum mechanics concepts, Am. J. Phys. 80, 148 (2012).
- R. Tatham and N. Korolkova: Entanglement concentration for two atomic ensembles using an effective atom-light beamsplitter, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 44, 175506 (2011).
- L. Mišta, R. Tatham, D. Girolami, N. Korolkova and G. Adesso: Measurement-induced disturbances and non-classical correlations of Gaussian states, Phys Rev A 83, 042325 (2011). Cited 21.
- R. Tatham, D. Menzies and N. Korolkova: An approximate effective beamsplitter interaction between light and atomic ensembles, Phys. Scr. T143, 014023 (2011).
- U. Leonhardt and N. Korolkova: The 17th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics in St Andrews, Scotland, Phys. Scr. T143, 014001 (2011).
- L. Mišta and N. Korolkova: Improving continuous-variable entanglement distribution by separable states, Phys. Rev. A, 80, 032310 (2009).
- D. Mogilevtsev, T. Tyc and N. Korolkova: Influence of modal loss on the quantum state generation via cross-Kerr nonlinearity, Phys. Rev. A 79, 053832 (2009).
- D. Menzies and N. Korolkova: Weak Measurements with Entangled Probes, Phys. Rev. A 77, 062105 (2008).
- D. Menzies and N. Korolkova: Weak Values and Entanglement Concentration, Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC), The 9th International Conference, Calgary, Canada, 19-24 August 2008, AIP Conference Proceedings, A. Lvovsky (ed), pp. 9-12.
- L. Mišta and N. Korolkova: Distribution of continuous-variable entanglement by separable Gaussian states, Phys. Rev. A 77, 050302(R) (2008).
- G. F. Sinclair and N. Korolkova: Effective cross-Kerr Hamiltonian for a nonresonant four-level atom, Phys. Rev. A 77, 033843 (2008).
- T. Tyc and N. Korolkova: Highly non-Gaussian states created via cross-Kerr nonlinearity, New J. Phys. 10, 023041 (2008).
- D. Menzies and N. Korolkova: Weak values and continuous-variable entanglement concentration, Phys. Rev. A. 76, 062310, (2007).
- G. Sinclair and N. Korolkova: Cross-Kerr interaction in a four-level atomic system, Phys. Rev. A 76, 033803 (2007).
- D. Menzies and N. Korolkova: Procrustean entanglement concentration of continuous-variable states of light, Phys. Rev. A 74, 042315 (2006).
- A. Luis and N. Korolkova: Polarization squeezing and nonclassical properties of light, Phys. Rev. A 74, 043817 (2006). Cited 31.
- N. Korolkova and R. Loudon: Nonseparability and squeezing of continuous polarization variables, Phys. Rev. A 71, 032343 (2005).
- A.V. Prokhorov, N. V. Korolkova, A. M. Araklelyan: Nonlinear control of the light pulse in doped optical fibers, Laser Physics 15, 1-13 (2005).
- S. Lorenz, N. Korolkova, and G. Leuchs: Continuous variable quantum key distribution using polarization encoding and post selection, Appl. Phys. B 79, 273 - 277 (2004). Cited 64.
- O. Glöckl, U. L. Andersen, S. Lorenz, Ch. Silberhorn, N. Korolkova, and G. Leuchs: Sub shot noise phase quadrature measurement of intense light beams, Opt. Lett. 29, 1936 (2004).
- O. Glöckl, J. Heersink, N. Korolkova, G. Leuchs, S. Lorenz: A pulsed source of continuous variable polarization entanglement, J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 5, S492-S496 (2003).
- O. Glöckl, S. Lorenz, Ch. Marquardt, J. Heersink, M. Brownnutt, Ch. Silberhorn, Q. Pan, P. van Loock, N. Korolkova, and G. Leuchs: Experiment towards continuous-variable entanglement swapping: Highly correlated four-partite quantum state, Phys. Rev. A 68, 012319 (2003). Cited 51.
- G. Leuchs, N. Korolkova, and N. Lütkenhaus: Mehr Sicherheit durch Quantenschlüssel, Physik Journal, 3, 20 (2003) (in German).
- J. Heersink, T. Gaber, S. Lorenz, O. Glöckl, N. Korolkova, and G. Leuchs: Polarization squeezing of intense pulses with a fiber Sagnac interferometer, Phys. Rev. A 68, 013815 (2003). Cited 39.
- G. Leuchs, Ch. Silberhorn, O. Glöckl, Ch. Marquardt, N. Korolkova: Quantum interferometry with intense optical pulses, Fortschr. Phys. 51, 409-413 (2003).
Articles published prior to 2003 ↳ pdf
Book Contributions
- L. C. Davila Romero and N. Korolkova: Quantum teleportation, in Lecture Notes in Quantum Information, D. Bruss and G. Leuchs (eds.), Wiley-VCH 2007, pp. 255-270.
- N. Korolkova: Polarization squeezing and entanglement, in Continuous Variable and Quantum Information, N. Cerf, G. Leuchs and E. S. Polzik (eds.), Imperial College Press 2007, pp. 181-196.
- N. Korolkova: Quantum polarization for continuous variable information processing, in Quantum Information Processing, G. Leuchs and T. Beth (eds.), Second edition, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co KGaA, Weinheim 2005, pp. 405-417 (new chapter in Second edition).
- G. Leuchs, N. Korolkova, O. Glöckl, S. Lorenz, J. Heersink, Ch. Silberhorn, Ch. Marquardt, U. L. Andersen: Quantum fiber solitons for quantum information, in Quantum Information Processing, G. Leuchs and T. Beth (eds.), Second edition, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co KGaA, Weinheim 2005, pp. 425-442 (essentially revised for Second ed.).
- G. Leuchs, N. Korolkova, Ch. Silberhorn, O. Glöckl, S. Lorenz: Quantum structure of fiber solitons and quantum communication, in Quantum Information Processing, T. Beth and G. Leuchs (eds.), Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co KGaA, Weinheim 2003, p. 308-321.
- S. Lorenz, N. Korolkova, N. Lütkenhaus, and G. Leuchs: Experimental cryptography using contiuous polarization states, in Quantum Communications and Cryptography, A. V. Sergienko (ed.), Taylor & Francis 2006, pp. 103-126.
- G. Leuchs, Ch. Silberhorn, F. König, A. Sizmann, and N. Korolkova: Quantum solitons in optical fibres: basic requisites for experimental quantum communication, in Quantum Information Theory with Continuous Variables, S. L. Braunstein and A. K. Pati (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dodrecht 2003, 379-421.
- N. Korolkova and G. Leuchs: Multimode Quantum Correlations, in Coherence and Statistics of Photons and Atoms, J. Peřina (ed.), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2001, pp. 111-158.