Care experienced students
The University of St Andrews recognises the impact care experience can have on your education and well-being. We are proud to be able to offer a range of information, support, and guidance to anyone who has been care experienced, whether you are applying for your first degree, considering postgraduate study or a current student.
Our pledge
We pledge to make an offer to all applicants, applying for their first degree, who declare as care-experienced provided that the desire to study the subject is demonstrable, the minimum entry requirements, including any specified required subjects, are met and, if relevant, there is success in external testing or interview.
The information below provides more details of how we classify Care Experienced for Admissions purposes and our Care Experienced Pledge in line with our Admissions Policy.
Please be assured that we recognise that all situations are different and can be very complicated and distressing and all students at the University of St Andrews can reach out for tailored support from our Student Services team at any time during their studies.
Who is a care experienced person?
‘Care-experienced’ refers to anyone who has been or is currently in care or from a looked after background at any stage of their life, no matter how short, including adopted children who were previously looked after. Care may have been provided in one of many different settings, such as in residential care, foster care, kinship care or through being looked after at home with a supervision requirement.
Below is an outline of the types of Care Experience that are considered for Admissions purposes under our Care Experience Pledge and in line with our Admissions Policy
Types of Care Experience Explained
Scotland's Future Series Podcast - Care Experienced Voices at St Andrews
Watch or listen to this episode of the Scotland's Future Podcast which features the stories of past and present care experienced students. Listen as Rebecca, Chris and Lucy share their journeys to St Andrews and beyond.