QuVis: The University of St Andrews Quantum Mechanics Visualisation project

For Instructors

The QuVis simulatios aim to help students build models of quantum mechanics concepts by making the invisible visible, allowing students to collect data to see how quantum-mechanical quantities are determined experimentally and contrasting hidden variable, classical and quantum situations. Key features of the simulations that make them effective for learning include interactivity, emphasis on time-dependent behaviour, comparison with classical systems and the adaptability to a variety of learning goals. Evaluation of resources with students is used to optimize simulations and activities.

Most simulations include instructor resources, which consist of activities using the simulations with full solutions. Problems in the activities aim to help students explore relationships between quantities, predict behaviour using the simulations, make connections between different representations of the same situation and interpret physically the results of calculations. They promote guided exploration and sense-making, and provide scaffolding to progress from simpler to more complicated situations.

Problem sets for each simulation can be downloaded by clicking on the links below the simulation thumbnails. Solutions to activities are available for instructors. For the HTML5 simulations and the simulations for physics and physical chemistry, instructors can obtain the password by emailing Antje Kohnle, ak81@st-andrews.ac.uk. Instructors are welcome to modify these activities as needed. For the simulations on two-level systems that form part of the Institute of Physics New Quantum Curriculum, instructors can contact the Institute of Physics via quantumphysics@iop.org to obtain solutions to all activities and to request the rights to modify this material.

For more details on evaluation and publications related to QuVis, see the Research section.

Creative Commons Licence
These materials are distributed under the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND licence, see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/uk/

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