Project Management: an Introduction

Audience: Academic staff, Professional staff, Research staff

Date: Wednesday 26 March 2025

Times: 10.00 to 12.00

Target audience

Staff with no prior project management training who would like to understand more about how projects are managed or take on managing small projects.

Course information

This course will give participants a basic common-sense overview of how a small project is managed.

It will consist of a practical hands on guide to managing a project, not aligned to a specific project methodology, focussing on applying project management techniques to a case study.

Through this, participants will gain a basic understanding of the key stages a project goes through, what the key requirements are at each of these stages, along with a guide to some simple tools and techniques to take away which can be used at each stage.

This course is designed for any member of staff who has no prior project management training, but would like to either understand more about how projects are managed or take on managing small projects themselves.

Aims and objectives


  • Understand how a project is managed, including the key stages and requirements at each stage of a project
  • Be familiar with generic project management methodology
  • Be able to use a range of project management techniques and templates, with the experience of applying these to a case study



Neil Carrie


Boardroom, Gateway

Course provider
