First name

Text source

Anders Spalding was the son of James Spalding [SSNE 4813] and was born either on 2 or 12 January 1659. He became a student at Uppsala in 1678 and went on to engage some trade with fellow Scots in Sweden. On 20 October 1684, Spalding's name appeared on the account sheet of the joint stock companie of Andrew Russell [SSNE 143], Patrick Thomson [SSNE 6475] and James Thomson [SSNE 6332]. The accounts, drawn up by James Thomson, shows that the company had made out a bill payable to Andrew Spalding to the value of 600 Rixdaler (see also letter of James Thomson, same date in 1684 misfiled in 1685 folder). On 30 January the following year, Thomson drew a bill of exchange upon Andrew Russell to be made payable to him for that amount, completing the transaction (a point again mentioned in a recap of expenses by Patrick Thomson dated 17 September 1685). Spalding can again be found on the accounts from January 1687. The value of his goods unsold for 1687 stood at £209:16, while there were also £1800 worth of unsold gloves attributed to belonging to him at Norrkoping since 1684. More importantly in some ways was the letter of James Thomson of 27 February 1685 in which he commented that a bill to the value of 400 Rixdaler someone had sent in relation to the company had not been paid, but that Andrew Spalding being a good friend of Thomson's had not refused it anyway. Thomson commented on this transaction again in a further letter of 22 March and Patrick in his recap of accounts on 17 September. That same document reveals another bill payable to Spalding for 411 Rixdaler was drawn on Andrew Russell in July 1685. The total for one years transactions therefore amounted to 1,411 Rixdaler (c.£300 Sterling).Spalding later served a chancellor in the royal chancellery and a legal mayor, 'justisborgmästare' in Gothenburg on 29 October 1696. In some sources he is described as civic mayor or 'Borgmästare' of Gothenburg. He apparently suggested a method of cleaning the town streets to the town council in April 1697, by employing streetcleaners and posting warning notices against littering. In May 1697 he was godfather to Christian Biehusen's son, and in August that year he was godfather to Peter Ysing's son. He died on 16 December 1698, a fact the king was informed of by letter four days later. Spalding's wife was called Magalena Bunge (1669-1726) and with her he had a son James "Hjevinberg" (1694-1728), another called Marten and a daughter Kristina Magdelana. These last two were baptised in Nicolai Kyrka in Stockholm in 1691 and 1688 respectively, possibly suggesting a Stockholm residence. Magdalena received a compensation payment from the city in March 1699. Anders Spalding had two brothers of note, George [SSNE 4814] and John [SSNE 4926]. He also had a sister Christina [SSNE 6875] and possibly another sibling, Henrik [SSNE 6107]

National Archives of Scotland, Russell Papers, RH15/106/531. Various letters and accounts of James Thomson (1684). See 'Goods sold belonging to Companie 1684; RH15/106/574. Various letters and accounts of James and Patrick Thomson (1685); RH15/106/636, f7. Value of Goods unsold, January 1687; Swedish Riksarkiv, Biographica Microcard E01832 2/6 and 3/6; Mentioned in Swedish Riksarkiv, Personregister skriv. till K. Maj:t., landshövdingens Goteborg och Bohuslan, letters from 01/05/1696, 21/01/1697, 20/12/1698, 10/01/1699, and March 1699; Göteborg Landsarkiv (GLA) Förteckning över Landshövdingens i Göteborg och Bohus Län - Skrivelser till Kungl. Maj:t 1657-1840 - 24/07/1696. mentioned as dead, 20/12/1698 and payment to his widow March 1699; Andersson et al, Uppsala Universitets Matrikel, (Uppsala, 1900-1911); Eduard Spalding, Geschichtliches, urkunnden, stamm-tafeln der Spalding in Schottland, Deutschland und Schweden: Während der letzten sechs jahrhunderte, speciell der Deutsche zweig der familie (Greifswald, 1898), Appendix IV, Family tree for Jacob Spalding in Sweden; T. Fischer, The Scots in Sweden (Edinburgh, 1907), pp.10-12, pp.215-267; G. Elgenstierna, Svenska Adelns Ättartavlor, vol. 7, p.371; W. Berg, Samlingar till Göteborgs Historia Christina Kyrkas böcker, (Gothenburg, 1890), vol.1, pp.278, 280; Stockholm Stadsarkiv, (Storkyrkan) Nikolai församling dopböker, 1623-1717, I, p.96.

Service record

Departed 1678-12-31
Capacity STUDENT, purpose ACADEMIC
Departed 1697-12-31
Capacity MAYOR, purpose CIVIC