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Harry/Henry Lindsay was the son of John Lindsay of Ballinscho and Woodwray and Katherine daughter of John Lindsay of Balcarres. He was the brother of Alexander [SSNE 2945] and John [SSNE 583]. He joined the Danish army and was wounded in action as part of the Danish-Norwegian army at Wolgast in 1628. He had his reckoning by 18/10/1628 and thereafter transferred to Swedish service. Lindsay participatd in the defence of Neubrandenburg (under the command of Dodo von Knyphausens) during the siege and conquest of this town by Tilly on March 1631. He rose in rank to become Lt. Colonel of Alexander Leslie's [SSNE 1] forces and must have taken part in the battle of Wittstock in September 1636. The Saltoun papers in the National Library of Scotland reveal that he lent 300 rixdalers to Leslie in 1637, and in the same year he drew up a bond of assignation of 11,000 merks. Lord Spynie was to receive 8,000, Colonel Robert Douglas [SSNE 2378] was to get 2,000 and Lyndsay (Earl of Crawford?), 1,000 merks. He left a testament (below) the same year (July 1637) just before he returned to the Swedish army in Germany. Among other things we find that in an act of charity he left 5000 merks to help poor people with the name Lindsay to pay their way at the University of St Andrews. Lindsay approached the Swedish Riksrad in May 1639 seeking to be de-commissioned along with other Scottish officers. This was granted along with a gratuity of 300 rixdaler. Balfour-Paul notes that his next testament was dated Hamburg 22 Feburary 1639 and that he died that year. This is incorrect as he returned to Scotland where he served in Leslie's Covenanting army in 1640 in charge of his own regiment "Lindsay's Foot". The time of his death is not yet known. Lindsay had two brothers in service with him: John [SSNE 583] and Alexander [SSNE 2945]
Riksarkivet: Skoklostersamlingen II: Carl Gustaf Wrangels arkiv, E8409. Harry Lindsay to Carl Gustaf Wrangel, 1638 from Butzow.
National Library of Scotland, Saltoun Papers, 'Papers concerning Henry Lindsay, son of John of Ballinscho and colonel in the Swedish service, 1637-1648; Swedish Riksarkiv, P. Sondén, Militärachefer i svenska arméen och deras skrivelser; Swedish Krigsarkiv, Muster Roll, 1630/37,38; N. A. Kullberg, et. al., eds., Svenska Riksrådets Protokoll, 1621-1658 (vols. 1-18, Stockholm, 1878-1959), VII, p.524, 31 May 1639; G. Lind, Danish Data Archive, 1573; R. Monro, His Expedition with a worthy Scots Regiment called Mac-Keyes (London, 1637), I, pp.80-81 and II, p.142 and List of the Scottish Officers in Chief; E. Furgol. A Regimental History of the Covenanting Armies (Edinburgh, 1990), p.58; T. Riis, Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot (Odense, 1988), II, p.136; Sir Balfour-Paul, The Scots Peerage, vol.iii, p.30. We thank Dr Bernd Warlich for information on Lindsay's actions in 1631 and providing the following source: BOLL, Franz, Chronik der Vorderstadt Neubrandenburg, Neubrandenburg 1875, p. 151
NLS Saltoun Papers, MSS 17606: Papers relating to Colonel Henry [Harrie] Lindsay, 20 JUly 1637
Be it kend till all men be thir p[rese]nt l[ett]res me Colonell Harie Lindsay fforsameikle Be I am shortlie God willing to depairt furth of this realme of Scotland to Germanie or els quhair abroad thair to attend my charge upoun the wares and utheres bussinesse qlk concerne me And in the meantyme considdering that [th]air is nothing moir certaine then death qlk is the dissolutioun of this fraill and mortale bodie and that [th]air is nothing moir uncertaine then the hour and tyme thairoff I have thocht it expedient ffor discharging of my duetie in dispositioun of my goodes ffor peace and tranquillitie amongst my freindis And to take away all occasioun of discorde that may aryse or ensue amonges them efter my deceas quhen it sall pleas God to call me out of this world to his everlasting glorie to make my testament and better will be efterfollowis In the first I commend my soule in the handes of my redeimer and my bodie to the dust quhairfra it came trusting in the merites off jesus christ the redeimer of the world and be na uther meane to be participant of that eternall kingdome that christ hes purchest to all the elect by his precious blood And nixt I constitut my unkle my Lord Balcares and the Laird of dun and doctor david Munro my exe[cutor] and universall inrto[mettor] with my goodes and geir I Refer the upgiving of my inventair of my goods geir and debtis alsweill be me as to me to my saides executoires with power to them to conforme the said and to pay quot tharfoir I leave in legace to the persones efternominat the soumes of money and utheres underwri[tte]n ilk ane of them for thair awne pairtes Be is efterdesyrit viz. I leave to my tuo brother Jhone and Robert Brounis to be pairted betuixt them the same of fyv thousand markis quich my brother Jhon broun of fordell is... upon the Landis of Craiquathrow [Craignathrow?] and ... tham both and airis lauchfully begotton of ther body I leav it to my lord Spynie and his heirs: Item I leav to my sister Katharine broun the sum of thrie hundreth doloris quich Cornell leslie is auchtene me Item of that ten thousand markis quich the laird of dun is auchten me I leav to my unkle my Lord Balcarres fyv thousand merkes; The uther fyve thousand markis I leav to the Laird of dun to be given at his pleasur to any of his childring begotten with my ant my lord spynies sister; Ite[m] I leav to my Lord Spynie of that ilk an thousand mark quich Robert Fletcher is auchterand aucht thousand mark: To my unkle Mr Robert Lyndesay an thousad mark; To my comorad Cornell Robert Douglass for the kyndeness betuixt us ten thousand merkis: Ite[m] of that ten thousand mark quich Patrik Wood is auchten me I leav to the old Colledge of St Androis for the Intertinment of poor students of the name of Lyndesay fyv thousand markis Ite[m] mair ane thousand mark quherof the annellrent shall [th]eirby be disturbit ther to poor honest and distrasset men; Ite[m] to my cuising Lodivik Lindsay tua thousand mark; Ite[m] to Jhung thorntoun an thousand mark. Ite[m] to the Laird aucchmout.. ane thousand mark Ite[m] to doctor monro the silver wark quich is in my charter kist Ite[m] Cornell Lumsdsain the silver work quich he has of myn In keiping
In witnes quhairoff I have sub[scryvit] thir p[rese]nttis wr[itten] be James Tins servitur to Thomas darling ... to his ma[jes]ties signet, with my hand at Edr the tuentie day of July the zeir of God jai vicl threttie sevn zeires Beffoir thir witnesses the saids Thomas darling and James Tuis ... heiroff
Tho: darling witnes
Ja: ... witnes
Service record
- Arrived 1628-12-01, as ENSIGN
- Departed 1628-10-04, as ENSIGN
- Capacity OFFICER, purpose MILITARY
- Arrived 1630-01-01, as ENSIGN
- Departed 1639-05-31, as COLONEL
- Capacity OFFICER, purpose MILITARY
- Arrived 1640-01-01, as COLONEL
- Departed 1640-12-31, as COLONEL
- Capacity OFFICER, purpose MILITARY