Digital pattern library

Font Awesome

Font Awesome provides scalable vector icons used to accent elements on webpages and web applications. See below for examples and the list of approved icons. For more information on the thought process behind the application of icons, please refer to the digital communication team's blog post.

Rules for Font Awesome

You may use any of the approved icons with <i class="fa fa-icon-name" title="icon title">. Change the icon title to match the functionality of the link. See the Font Awesome website for more ways to configure the icons.

Requesting more icons

If you would like to use an icon that is not on the approved list (below) please contact the digital communications team.

Options available

Sample usage

Here are some example icons.


Approved icons

To use as a class name, prefix the icon name with fa-, for example fa-address-book.

Example of address-book
Example of address-card
Example of adjust
Example of archive
Example of area-chart
Example of arrows
Example of arrows-h
Example of arrows-v
Example of ban
Example of bar-chart
Example of bar-chart-o
Example of bars
Example of bookmark
Example of bookmark-o
Example of calendar
Example of calendar-check-o
Example of calendar-minus-o
Example of calendar-o
Example of calendar-plus-o
Example of calendar-times-o
Example of check
Example of check-circle
Example of check-circle-o
Example of check-square
Example of check-square-o
Example of clock-o
Example of clone
Example of close
Example of cloud
Example of cloud-download
Example of cloud-upload
Example of code
Example of cog
Example of cogs
Example of comment
Example of commenting
Example of comments
Example of dashboard
Example of desktop
Example of dot-circle-o
Example of download
Example of edit
Example of ellipsis-h
Example of ellipsis-v
Example of envelope
Example of envelope-open
Example of exchange
Example of exclamation-circle
Example of exclamation-triangle
Example of external-link
Example of facebook-official
Example of feed
Example of file-archive-o
Example of file-audio-o
Example of file-code-o
Example of file-excel-o
Example of file-image-o
Example of file-movie-o
Example of file-pdf-o
Example of file-photo-o
Example of file-picture-o
Example of file-powerpoint-o
Example of file-sound-o
Example of file-video-o
Example of file-word-o
Example of file-zip-o
Example of film
Example of filter
Example of flag
Example of flag-checkered
Example of flask
Example of folder
Example of folder-open
Example of gear
Example of globe
Example of graduation-cap
Example of group
Example of hashtag
Example of heart
Example of history
Example of home
Example of id-card
Example of image
Example of inbox
Example of info
Example of info-circle
Example of instagram
Example of key
Example of keyboard-o
Example of language
Example of laptop
Example of level-down
Example of level-up
Example of linkedin-square
Example of location-arrow
Example of lock
Example of mail-forward
Example of mail-reply
Example of mail-reply-all
Example of map
Example of map-marker
Example of map-pin
Example of minus
Example of navicon
Example of pencil
Example of photo
Example of pie-chart
Example of plus
Example of podcast
Example of power-off
Example of print
Example of qrcode
Example of question
Example of quote-left
Example of quote-right
Example of refresh
Example of remove
Example of reorder
Example of reply
Example of reply-all
Example of retweet
Example of rss
Example of search
Example of search-minus
Example of search-plus
Example of send
Example of server
Example of share-alt
Example of sign-in
Example of sign-out
Example of sitemap
Example of sliders
Example of snapchat-square
Example of sort
Example of sort-alpha-asc
Example of sort-alpha-desc
Example of sort-amount-asc
Example of sort-amount-desc
Example of sort-asc
Example of sort-desc
Example of sort-down
Example of sort-numeric-asc
Example of sort-numeric-desc
Example of sort-up
Example of spinner
Example of sticky-note
Example of street-view
Example of support
Example of tag
Example of tags
Example of tasks
Example of thumbs-down
Example of thumbs-up
Example of ticket
Example of times
Example of toggle-down
Example of toggle-left
Example of toggle-off
Example of toggle-on
Example of toggle-right
Example of toggle-up
Example of trash
Example of trophy
Example of twitter-square
Example of university
Example of unlock
Example of upload
Example of user
Example of user-plus
Example of user-times
Example of users
Example of video-camera
Example of volume-down
Example of volume-off
Example of volume-up
Example of warning
Example of whatsapp
Example of wifi
Example of window-close
Example of window-maximize
Example of window-minimize
Example of window-restore
Example of wordpress
Example of youtube-square
Example of address-book
Example of address-card
Example of adjust
Example of archive
Example of area-chart
Example of arrows
Example of arrows-h
Example of arrows-v
Example of ban
Example of bar-chart
Example of bar-chart-o
Example of bars
Example of bookmark
Example of bookmark-o
Example of calendar
Example of calendar-check-o
Example of calendar-minus-o
Example of calendar-o
Example of calendar-plus-o
Example of calendar-times-o
Example of check
Example of check-circle
Example of check-circle-o
Example of check-square
Example of check-square-o
Example of clock-o
Example of clone
Example of close
Example of cloud
Example of cloud-download
Example of cloud-upload
Example of code
Example of cog
Example of cogs
Example of comment
Example of commenting
Example of comments
Example of dashboard
Example of desktop
Example of dot-circle-o
Example of download
Example of edit
Example of ellipsis-h
Example of ellipsis-v
Example of envelope
Example of envelope-open
Example of exchange
Example of exclamation-circle
Example of exclamation-triangle
Example of external-link
Example of facebook-official
Example of feed
Example of file-archive-o
Example of file-audio-o
Example of file-code-o
Example of file-excel-o
Example of file-image-o
Example of file-movie-o
Example of file-pdf-o
Example of file-photo-o
Example of file-picture-o
Example of file-powerpoint-o
Example of file-sound-o
Example of file-video-o
Example of file-word-o
Example of file-zip-o
Example of film
Example of filter
Example of flag
Example of flag-checkered
Example of flask
Example of folder
Example of folder-open
Example of gear
Example of globe
Example of graduation-cap
Example of group
Example of hashtag
Example of heart
Example of history
Example of home
Example of id-card
Example of image
Example of inbox
Example of info
Example of info-circle
Example of instagram
Example of key
Example of keyboard-o
Example of language
Example of laptop
Example of level-down
Example of level-up
Example of linkedin-square
Example of location-arrow
Example of lock
Example of mail-forward
Example of mail-reply
Example of mail-reply-all
Example of map
Example of map-marker
Example of map-pin
Example of minus
Example of navicon
Example of pencil
Example of photo
Example of pie-chart
Example of plus
Example of podcast
Example of power-off
Example of print
Example of qrcode
Example of question
Example of quote-left
Example of quote-right
Example of refresh
Example of remove
Example of reorder
Example of reply
Example of reply-all
Example of retweet
Example of rss
Example of search
Example of search-minus
Example of search-plus
Example of send
Example of server
Example of share-alt
Example of sign-in
Example of sign-out
Example of sitemap
Example of sliders
Example of snapchat-square
Example of sort
Example of sort-alpha-asc
Example of sort-alpha-desc
Example of sort-amount-asc
Example of sort-amount-desc
Example of sort-asc
Example of sort-desc
Example of sort-down
Example of sort-numeric-asc
Example of sort-numeric-desc
Example of sort-up
Example of spinner
Example of sticky-note
Example of street-view
Example of support
Example of tag
Example of tags
Example of tasks
Example of thumbs-down
Example of thumbs-up
Example of ticket
Example of times
Example of toggle-down
Example of toggle-left
Example of toggle-off
Example of toggle-on
Example of toggle-right
Example of toggle-up
Example of trash
Example of trophy
Example of twitter-square
Example of university
Example of unlock
Example of upload
Example of user
Example of user-plus
Example of user-times
Example of users
Example of video-camera
Example of volume-down
Example of volume-off
Example of volume-up
Example of warning
Example of whatsapp
Example of wifi
Example of window-close
Example of window-maximize
Example of window-minimize
Example of window-restore
Example of wordpress
Example of youtube-square

Approved icons for use with showcase banner pattern

These are the approved options that can be used within the showcase banner pattern.

To use as a class name, prefix the icon name with fa-, for example fa-address-book.

Example of flask
Example of globe
Example of graduation-cap
Example of pie-chart
Example of trophy
Example of university
Example of flask
Example of globe
Example of graduation-cap
Example of pie-chart
Example of trophy
Example of university