Digital pattern library

Form banner

The form banner pattern allows form elements to be used in full-width banner sections.

Rules for form banner

Options available

Search field

For this example, search the word 'english' to see how the results are displayed.
Course search

Search for all the courses we offer


Course search

Search for all the courses we offer

Search field - light grey

For this example, search the word 'english' to see how the results are displayed.
Course search

Search for all the courses we offer


Course search

Search for all the courses we offer

Newsletter subscription

Interested in Philosophy at St Andrews?

Subscribe to receive important information including visiting days and other events for prospective students.


Interested in Philosophy at St Andrews?

Subscribe to receive important information including visiting days and other events for prospective students.

Filter options

Filter by subjects or country

If you are a Joint honours student, please select both 'subject' and 'joint subject'.


Filter by subjects or country

If you are a Joint honours student, please select both 'subject' and 'joint subject'.

Search field (content thirds)

For this example, search the word 'english' to see how the results are displayed.
Course search

Search for all the courses we offer


Course search

Search for all the courses we offer