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Research Programmes

CO-OPT Co-Benefit Solutions for Resilient Coasts. A NERC-ESRC Sustainable Management of Marine Resources project
Community Capabilities and Marine Protected Area Governance UK SFC Global Challenges Project
CBESS A hierarchical approach to the examination of the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem service flows across coastal margins (NERC BESS project)
CREW: CATCH 2 Centre for Experitise in Waters: Coastal Catchment Integration
IMCORE Innovative Management for Europe's Changing Coastal Resource.
SPICOSA Science and Policy Integration for COastal Systems Assessment.
COMPASS Intelligent management, discovery and execution of scientific resources in the coastal marine domain.
COREPOINT COastal REsearch and POlicy INTegration.
EUROSION A European initiative for sustainable coastal erosion management.
ECOPORTS Ports Sharing Enviornmental Experience.
COASTATLANTIC Sustainable Coasts- Towards an Atlantic Vision.