
2004 - present Editor (pinnipeds) Endangered Species Research
1996 - 2004 Co-editor of the e-mail discussion list MARMAM (Marine Mammal Research and Conservation).
2000 - 2001 Post-doctoral researcher, British Antarctic Survey. Foraging ecology of Antarctic fur seals in relation to oceanography, Bird Island, South Georgia.
2000 Co-investigator. Diving behaviour of humpback whales on their Hawaiian Islands breeding grounds. Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary research grant. Principal investigator Dr R.W. Baird.
1996, 1997 Research assistant. Killer whale diving behaviour, Haro Strait. Principal investigator Dr R.W. Baird.
1995 - 1999 PhD Research in the Gully, Nova Scotia (northern bottlenose whales). Skipper 1996 - 1999.
1996 - 1999 Nova Scotia Stranding Network: monitoring and response team for stranded cetaceans.
1995 Research assistant. Sperm whale photo-identification, Galapagos Islands. Principal investigators J. Christal, Dr H. Whitehead.
Summer 1994 Research assistant. Photo-identification of fin and sperm whales, acoustic calibration of dolphin abundance, Ligurian Sea, Mediterranean. Dr J. Gordon, IFAW.
Summer 1993 Research assistant. Minke whale study, Isle of Mull, Scotland.
1991 - 1992 Leader of Oxford University Undergraduate Expedition "Kokako '91" to Rotoehu Forest, New Zealand (a Royal Geographical Society approved expedition). Objective: a nocturnal radio-tracking investigation of the effects of poisoning the ship rat, a predator of endemic native birds such as the Kokako. 7 weeks fieldwork.