
The first International Conference on Marine Mammal Protected Areas (ICMMPA). 30 Mar-3 April 2009, Maui, HI.
Northern bottlenose whale research in the Gully, eastern Canada
Data required to design science-based MPA networks
Case study: The Gully, eastern Canada

Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Capetown, 2007.
Changes in bottlenose whale contaminants coincident with oil and gas development near a marine protected area.

National Geographic Animal-Borne Imaging Symposium. 10-13 October 2007. Washington, DC.
Data sampling protocols in predator-attached video cameras: considerations based on deployments with Antarctic fur seals.
Wild Insights Ltd. Venus camera systems

JIP Workshop: The technology requirements for the JIP (Joint Industry Program) research program on effects of sound on marine wildlife. 20th-22nd March 2007. St Andrews, Scotland

CIESM (the Mediterranean Science Commission) Research Workshop no 25, 2004 Understanding the Role of Cetaceans in their Ecosystem.

Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Greensborough, USA, 2003.
Avoidance of shallow-water blackout in fur seals.

International Symposium on Biologging Science, Tokyo, Japan, 2003.
The environmental basis for fur seal ecology - using digital video cameras to establish prey encounter rate

Invited Speaker, 10th Reunion de Trabajo de Especialistas en Mamiferos Aquaticos de America del Sur, Chile, 2002.
Foraging behaviour of Antarctic fur seals - insights from novel tags.
Using top predators as indicator species in designing marine reserves.

Challenger Society Conference, Plymouth, UK, 2002.
Oceanographic sampling using marine mammals: implications for the study of oceanography and marine mammal foraging ecology.

Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Vancouver, Canada, 2001.
Fine-scale foraging behaviour of Antarctic fur seals: prey field observations from a digital camera

Society for Conservation Biology, Annual Conference, Hawaii 2001.
Co-organiser with Dr L. Gerber of Symposium: The application of top predator distribution to the design and efficacy of marine reserves.
[Symposium details]

Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Maui, Hawaii, 1999.
Northern bottlenose whales: foraging in a productive benthic ecosystem and consequences for male territoriality.
Biopsy sampling workshop: Virtues of multiple-use of biopsy samples.
GIS workshop: The influence of biotic and abiotic oceanographic features on the distribution of northern bottlenose whales in a submarine canyon.

Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Blacksburg, Virginia, 1998.
Diving behaviour of northern bottlenose whales, Hyperoodon ampullatus, in the Gully, Eastern Canada.

Society for Marine Mammalogy and European Cetacean Society Conference, Monaco, 1998.
Echolocation of northern bottlenose whales - an analysis of click characteristics and their implications for foraging.
Student Workshop: Journals: Where to Publish? [Compiled website from this]
Video presentation: Northern bottlenose whales in the Gully, Nova Scotia.