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Optimization of Simulations and Activities for a New Introductory Quantum Mechanics Curriculum

PERC Proceedings 2013, AIP Press (2013)

Antje Kohnle, Charles Baily, Christopher Hooley and Bruce Torrance
School of Physics and Astronomy
University of St Andrews
St Andrews KY16 9SS Scotland, UK

Abstract: The Institute of Physics New Quantum Curriculum (quantumphysics.iop.org) consists of online texts and interactive simulations with accompanying activities for an introductory course in quantum mechanics starting from twolevel systems. Observation sessions and analysis of homework and survey responses from in-class trials were used to optimize the simulations and activities in terms of clarity, ease-of-use, promoting exploration, sense-making and linking of multiple representations. This work led to revisions of simulations and activities and general design principles which have been incorporated wherever applicable. This article describes the optimization of one of the simulation controls and the refinement of activities to help students make direct connections between multiple representations.

Keywords: quantum mechanics, simulations, conceptual understanding.
PACS: 01.50.ht, 03.65.-w