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Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

All the material in this section has been provided for free use within UK HE through the award of a Development Project Grant by the Physical Sciences Centre of the UK Learning and Teaching Support Network.  Except where otherwise specified, potential users from outside this area should contact the author of the simulation or support material to seek permission to use this material. 

The editorial board of this project consisted of Dr R Bacon (Surrey University), Dr H Jones (Liverpool John Moores University), Dr A Gillies (University of St Andrews), and Dr B Sinclair (University of St Andrews).  LTSN physics and astronomy representatives across the UK were asked to contribute material to this project in return for a small fee.  

We present this material in good faith, believing it to be useful for students and teachers in Higher Education, and free from viruses and other problems.  However, any use of this material is entirely at the risk of the user, and none of the authors, their institutions, nor the LTSN can accept any responsibility for any problems caused by errors in the material or any ill effects they may cause on computing systems.

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