IR4585 Politics of Secession
Academic year
2024 to 2025 Semester 1
Curricular information may be subject to change
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Key module information
SCOTCAT credits
SCQF level
SCQF level 10
Planned timetable
Thurs 10am-12pm
Module coordinator
Dr D Muro Ruiz
Module Staff
Dr Diego Muro
Module description
This course explores the emergence and resolution of separatist movements around the world—those groups of individuals who reject their continued membership in an existing sovereign state and instead claim the right to govern themselves. While we will be expansive in our focus, considering classic secessionist movements alongside movements for greater autonomy as well as irredentist movements, we will only investigate the dynamics of movements that have, at their core, some claim about political sovereignty. We will contrast the tactics of movements, from peaceful approaches in places like contemporary Quebec, Scotland or Catalonia, to violent insurrections in places like the Chechnya, Northern Ireland or South Sudan. Along the way, we will consider the ethical and legal arguments for and against secession as well as consider cases where separatist tendencies lead to accommodation within the national state rather than independence from it.
Relationship to other modules
Assessment pattern
Coursework = 100%
Written Examination = 100%
Learning and teaching methods and delivery
Weekly contact
One hour lecture (x10 weeks) and one hour tutorial (x10 weeks)
Scheduled learning hours
Guided independent study hours
Intended learning outcomes
- Develop a critical understanding of secession and counter-secession within the context of a multidisciplinary approach to international relations
- Evaluate historical and contemporary secessionist conflicts around the world and identify the cultural, economic and political root causes
- Critically evaluate the policy, strategy and tactics of state responses as well as their effectiveness
- Formulate clear and concise written arguments in a range of formats, supported by academic evidence.
- Skills of literature search, the use of open source material, and an introduction to basic and principal elements of comparative analysis
- Develop skills in research design and analysis using qualitative and quantitative techniques in IR.