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  1. 10-week Academic English pre-sessional course

    This pre-degree course prepares you for postgraduate study, developing your ability to use English in academic contexts, as well as learning about academic, social and cultural life in St Andrews.

  2. 10-week Academic English pre-sessional course (blended learning)

    This pre-degree course prepares you for postgraduate study, developing your ability to use English in academic contexts, as well as learning about academic, social and cultural life in St Andrews.

  3. 10-week Academic English Qualification Course

    This pre-degree course develops your academic English and study skills for postgraduate study at an English-medium institution in the UK or another country.

  4. 10-week Academic English Qualification Course (blended learning)

    This pre-degree course develops your academic English and study skills for postgraduate study at an English-medium institution in the UK or another country.

  5. 4-week Academic English pre-sessional course

    This pre-degree course prepares you for undergraduate or postgraduate study, developing your ability to use English in academic contexts, as well as learning about academic, social and cultural life in St Andrews.

  6. 4-week Academic English Qualification Course

    This pre-degree course develops your academic English and study skills for postgraduate study at an English-medium institution in the UK or another country.

  7. Accredited Mediation Training

    A ground-breaking course that equips participants with the knowledge and skills to resolve conflict as mediators.

  8. Advanced: End-to-End Machine Learning

    This short course will give you the tools to understand the concepts and technologies that underpin modern deep learning using artificial neural networks (ANNs).

  9. Analytic and Exegetical Theology (MLitt)

    Addresses central themes in Christian thought. Students will carry out contemporary research in biblical exegesis, systematic theology, and analytic philosophy.

  10. Ancient History and Archaeology MA (Honours)

    Explores the civilisations of the ancient Mediterranean through the evidence of their material remains, focusing on the period stretching from the early first millennium BCE to Late Antiquity.

  11. Ancient History MA (Honours)

    Explores the history of Greece and Rome from the beginning of Greek writing and urbanism in the eighth century BCE through to the collapse of the western Roman empire in the fifth century CE, along with neighbouring peoples such as the Persians and Carthaginians.

  12. Animal Behaviour (MSc)

    Provides an intellectual and practical overview of modern animal behaviour taught by leading researchers, utilising the latest techniques and research skills to explore key topics such as cognition, behavioural ecology, and biologging.

  13. Animal Behaviour BSc (Honours)

    Involves study at an advanced, research-led level covering behavioural ecology, the mechanisms of animal behaviour, the processes of evolution and speciation, the adaptive physiology of animals, and animal cognition.

  14. Anthropology, Art and Perception (MRes)

    Taking perception and sensory experience as its starting point, it draws on the theories and methods that extend across the disciplinary boundaries between audio-visual art and anthropology. This course provides a training framework for postgraduate research in the anthropology of human creativity, art, material culture, and visual expression.

  15. Applied Mathematics MMath (Honours)

    This course will teach you to understand complex mathematical patterns and structures in order to describe, categorise and understand the processes involved, as well as develop tools to analyse them. The MMath allows you to combine undergraduate and postgraduate study into a single programme to graduate with a Masters degree.

  16. Applied Statistics and Datamining (PGDip, MSc)

    This commercially relevant programme of study provides students with the statistical data analysis skills needed for business, commerce, and other applications.

  17. Arabic MA (joint degree)

    Taken in combination with a variety of other subjects as part of a joint degree, this programme allows students to learn the language of the Arabic media as well as classical and modern Arabic languages and literature whilst building a high level of competence in language skills.

  18. Art History (MLitt)

    Offers a diverse range of subject areas, from medieval and Renaissance art to Impressionism, Islamic Art, African modernism, to eco-art and contemporary performance art. This course explores the major themes and concepts that connect different periods of art history.

  19. Art History MA (Honours)

    This course of study will teach you critically to assess art and visual culture, together with the ideas behind them. You will learn to analyse the history, context, style and meaning of images and objects, developing visual literacy and engaging with different critical approaches and theoretical frameworks.

  20. Artificial Intelligence (MSc)

    An advanced research-led course in the study of artificial intelligence (AI) that will develop students' skills in logic, constraint programming, language processing, machine learning, and neural networks.