
103 results found. Clear search
  1. Leadership MSc

    Develop the knowledge and skills needed to be a leader in today's global business world. Learn how to lead effectively in all industries, from higher education to aeronautics, and from politics to sustainable development.

  2. Economics (MSc)

    Provides advanced, rigorous training in the essential elements of economics – microeconomics, macroeconomics and econometrics – plus a range of specialist topic options covering theoretical and empirical approaches.

  3. Finance (MSc)

    You will acquire an in-depth understanding of the financial markets and institutions both in the UK and abroad while developing advanced analytical abilities and technical skills in empirical finance and modelling, preparing you for a professional career in the financial industry.

  4. Marketing (MLitt)

    Develops an integrated and critically aware understanding of marketing and organisations, and prepares students to meet the strategic challenges of the global marketplace.

  5. Entrepreneurship MSc

    Develops the knowledge and skills to thrive in an entrepreneurial environment, enhances creative thinking, and trains the entrepreneurial mindset, increasingly seen as a prized graduate attribute.

  6. Management (MLitt)

    Provides students with an understanding of key contemporary management methods and the fundamental analytical, practical and leadership skills needed for managerial roles within organisations.

  7. Catalysis (MSc)

    Provides students with specialised advanced knowledge and skills in modern catalysis, detailing the role catalysis plays in improving sustainability and solving environmental issues in chemical manufacture.

  8. International Business (MLitt)

    Prepares students for cross-cultural work, providing the knowledge and critical understanding of key business and management practices while considering issues of responsibility in organisations on a global scale. Students will have the opportunity to hear from eminent academics and business executives via the Masters Extra (MA) Programme as well as attend corporate visits.

  9. Animal Behaviour (MSc)

    Provides an intellectual and practical overview of modern animal behaviour taught by leading researchers, utilising the latest techniques and research skills to explore key topics such as cognition, behavioural ecology, and biologging.

  10. Chemical Science (MSc)

    Provides students with advanced knowledge and skills in modern chemical sciences and encourages them to explore research-led topics through a wide range of modules.