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Direct entry to second year Marine Biology BSc (Hons)
Enter into the second year of this Honours programme to dive into the marine world and study the many marine ecosystems, from the deep sea to coasts and estuaries, and from the tropics to the poles.
Direct entry to second year Marine Biology MMarBiol (Hons)
Enter into the second year of the Marine Biology MMarBiol (Hons) programme. Dive into the marine world and study the many marine ecosystems, from the deep sea to coasts and estuaries and from the tropics to the poles.
Marine Biology BSc (Honours)
Taking advantage of St Andrews' location on the shores of the North Sea, students will study marine environments and the diversity of marine life from the deep sea to estuaries, utilising the world-renowned Scottish Oceans Institute, which incorporates the world-class Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU).
Marine Biology MMarBiol (Honours)
Taking advantage of St Andrews' location on the shores of the North Sea, this programme covers marine molecular ecology, marine microbiology, and the ecology, evolution, development and biology of marine life from invertebrates to top predators. Involves study at an advanced, research-led level. Students will utilise the world-renowned Scottish Oceans Institute, which incorporates the world-class Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU).
Marine Ecosystem Management (MSc)
Taught by the leading experts from the Scottish Oceans Institute, this programme prepares students for professional careers in research and management by providing them with a superior understanding of marine systems, exploring the interconnections between the physical environment, biodiversity and the impacts of human activities.
Marine Mammal Science (MSc)
Taught by leading experts at the Sea Mammal Research Unit and the Scottish Oceans Institute, this course prepares students for professional careers in the research and conservation of marine mammals. The world's only research-focused MSc degree in this subject.