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Biochemistry BSc (Honours)
Entails the study of the biochemical mechanisms involved in all life processes and covers a broad spectrum of fields, from viral replication to neurobiology.
Biochemistry MBiochem (Honours)
Entails the study of the biochemical mechanisms involved in all life processes and covers a broad spectrum of fields, from viral replication to neurobiology. The MBiochem allows you to combine undergraduate and postgraduate study into a single programme to graduate with a Masters degree.
Biology BSc (Honours)
Involves the study of life at all levels of organisation, from the molecular biology of virus replication to the study of how animals and plants behave and evolve in their natural habitats.
Biology MBiol (Honours)
Involves the study of life at all levels of organisation, from the molecular biology of virus replication to the study of animals and plants in their natural habitats. The MBioL allows you to combine undergraduate and postgraduate study into a single programme to graduate with a Masters degree.
Zoology BSc (Honours)
Involves a wide-ranging exploration of the animal kingdom, investigating the structure, development, evolution, classification, behaviour, and distribution of all types of animals, both living and extinct.
Animal Behaviour BSc (Honours)
Involves study at an advanced, research-led level covering behavioural ecology, the mechanisms of animal behaviour, the processes of evolution and speciation, the adaptive physiology of animals, and animal cognition.
Cell Biology BSc (Honours)
Involves advanced study of the molecular structures and biochemical processes essential to cell function, providing the basis for understanding the physiology and development of animals and plants, as well as many aspects of pathology.
Evolutionary Biology BSc (Honours)
Deals with the theory of evolution, evolutionary genetics, environmental physiology, terrestrial and aquatic ecology, the evolution of behaviour, biodiversity and conservation, computational genomics, human evolution, and evolutionary ecology.
Molecular Biology Bsc (Honours)
Introduces you to the foundations of molecular and cellular biology and then focuses on chromosome structure and function, molecular genetics, molecular cell biology, biotechnology, bioinformatics, molecular virology and gene expression.
Animal Behaviour (MSc)
Provides an intellectual and practical overview of modern animal behaviour taught by leading researchers, utilising the latest techniques and research skills to explore key topics such as cognition, behavioural ecology, and biologging.
Biology and Chemistry BSc (Hons)
From understanding how molecules and cells work to the study of entire ecosystems, Biology covers all aspects of the natural world. A joint degree with Chemistry, this programme will also explore cutting-edge research-level topics including drug design, materials, nanotechnology and catalysis.
Biology and Mathematics BSc (Hons)
From understanding how molecules and cells work to the study of entire ecosystems, Biology covers all aspects of the natural world. A joint degree with Mathematics, this programme will teach you to understand complex patterns and structures and develop the tools with which to analyse them.
Biology and Statistics BSc (Hons)
From understanding how molecules and cells work to the study of entire ecosystems, Biology covers all aspects of the natural world. A joint degree with Statistics, this programme will also look to equip you with analytical techniques, logical thinking and deductive reasoning, skills which should help with your future career ambitions.
Biology and Earth Sciences BSc
From understanding how molecules and cells work to the study of entire ecosystems, Biology covers all aspects of the natural world. A joint degree with Earth Sciences, this programme will also help you to understand the changing environment of our dynamic planet.
Ecology and Conservation BSc (Honours)
This broad foundation in biology covers the ecology of terrestrial and aquatic environments, the process of evolution and speciation, the adaptive physiology of plants and animals, population biology, molecular ecology, biodiversity, sustainability and conservation issues.
Marine Biology BSc (Honours)
Taking advantage of St Andrews' location on the shores of the North Sea, students will study marine environments and the diversity of marine life from the deep sea to estuaries, utilising the world-renowned Scottish Oceans Institute, which incorporates the world-class Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU).
Marine Biology MMarBiol (Honours)
Taking advantage of St Andrews' location on the shores of the North Sea, this programme covers marine molecular ecology, marine microbiology, and the ecology, evolution, development and biology of marine life from invertebrates to top predators. Involves study at an advanced, research-led level. Students will utilise the world-renowned Scottish Oceans Institute, which incorporates the world-class Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU).
Biology and Computer Science BSc (Hons)
From understanding how molecules and cells work to the study of entire ecosystems, Biology covers all aspects of the natural world. A joint degree with Computer Science, this programme will also provide you with strong practical software development skills whilst learning about some of the cutting-edge developments in this field.
Marine Ecosystem Management (MSc)
Taught by the leading experts from the Scottish Oceans Institute, this programme prepares students for professional careers in research and management by providing them with a superior understanding of marine systems, exploring the interconnections between the physical environment, biodiversity and the impacts of human activities.
Marine Mammal Science (MSc)
Taught by leading experts at the Sea Mammal Research Unit and the Scottish Oceans Institute, this course prepares students for professional careers in the research and conservation of marine mammals. The world's only research-focused MSc degree in this subject.