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Chemicals - (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations 1994


The Chemical (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations 1994 (as amended) (CHIP) requires manufacturers and suppliers of chemicals to provide users of their products with suitable and sufficient information about the hazards of their products and the necessary actions to be taken in an emergency.

The container used for storing hazardous chemical(s) must have an appropriate pictogram with an orange background and a Symbol Letter on the outside to identify the hazard of the chemical(s) within it (see table below). The label on the container should also have the full address of the supplier, the name of the hazardous chemical(s), the hazards of the chemical(s) and any necessary safety information (e.g. the use of Personal Protective equipment etc.).


CHIP - Categories of Danger

  • A MS Word '97 copy of the CHIP - Categories of Danger  can be downloaded  Categories of Danger (RTF, 335 KB)

The CHIP regulations also require manufacturers and suppliers of hazardous chemicals to provide a Materials Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) on the chemical(s). The MSDS will include the details on the following:

  • The hazards that the chemicals may pose to human health and/or to the environment, including information on the toxicology of the chemical and any regulatory requirements regarding the use of the chemical(s);
  • The MSDS will provide the necessary information on the actions to take in the event of a spillage of the chemical;
  • It will provide the necessary details on appropriate fire fighting methods;
  • The first-aid requirements in the event that the chemical contaminates a person.

The MSDS sheet will also include a 'Risk Phrase' and a 'Safety Phrase'. This is indicated by a R or a S followed by a number (e.g. R45). The Risk phrase identifies the hazards of the chemical(s) (e.g. R45 means 'May Cause Cancer') and the routes of entry of the hazardous chemical (e.g. R23 means 'Toxic by Inhalation'). The Safety phrases detail the necessary control measures that should be taken when handling the chemical(s) (e.g. S1 means 'Keep Locked Up' and S37 means 'Wear Suitable Gloves'). The 'Risk' and 'Safety' phrases are useful for identifying hazards and appropriate control measures when performing COSHH risk assessments.

A list of the meanings of the Risk and Safety Phrases can be obtained from many sources (e.g. chemical catalogues) or from Environmental, Health and Safety Services.

If any person within the University wishes to manufacture or supply a chemical then they must supply an appropriate MSDS with the chemical(s). The necessary information required for a MSDS can be obtained from the HSE publication entitled 'Approved Supply List'. A copy of the Approved Supply List is available for viewing at Environmental, Health and Safety Services.

Any person intending to manufacture and/or supply chemicals should first contact the University Safety Adviser for advice on how to comply with the necessary legislation.