High performance computing training

Training can be provided on the University supercomputers.  More information on our High performance computing site.


Training can be provided University HPC and the Bioinformatics HPC.

University HPC

Herbert Fruchtl can provide one-to-one or group training on using the Unviersity HPC. To organise this, please contact Herbert directly.


Bioinformatics HPC

Peter Thorpe can provide one-to-one or group training, in addition to regular Bioinformatic training workshops. The standard workshops cover:

  • The use of basic UNIX
  • basic NGS analysis (bacterial genome assembly) and gene prediction
  • guidance on best practice in using the cluster (Marvin)

At the end of the course, participants will understand how to connect, navigate, view files on Marvin, how to write basic shell scripts, submit batch jobs and launch interactive multi-core shell sessions. Exercise material will be available and downloaded during the training.

Where do I go for help?

Contact Herbert or Peter.

Service cost

Free but further HPC use is costed at usual rates.

Are there limits to the service?

Bioinformatics training is limited to those that have contributed to the departments that subscribe to the Bioinformatics HPC.



Expertise level required to use this service

No expertise is required however researchers must know their own data and what they wish to achieve.