Backup and disaster recovery

IT Services backs up all central filestores and applications.


The backups can be separated into two sections:


This is the area where you store your research files, whether on your home drive, school drive, or your research drive.  The backup routines are as follows:

  • Self-service windows file snapshots 3 times per working day (right click file>properties>previous versions)
  • Daily every 3 hrs between 7am and 7pm - retained for 5 days
  • Once nightly at 1.30am - retained for 2 weeks
  • Weekly on Saturday at 3.30am - retained for 14 weeks

Contact the IT Service desk with the rough time you lost the file. IT Services will find the best position to retrieve the file.



Any system or application that is running on a Virtual Machine in the Data Centre will have the following backup routines:

  • Daily every 3 hrs between 7am and 7pm - retained for 5 days
  • Once nightly at 1.30am - retained for 2 weeks
  • Weekly on Saturday at 3.30am - retained for 14 weeks
  • Once nightly -retained for a month (system quiesced before backup

Contact the IT Service desk with the rough time the application stopped working. IT Services will find the best position to recover the system.



Where do I go for help?

Service cost


Expertise level required to use this service
