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61 results found for !nullquery
  1. Risk Assessment Form Template

    Risk assessment form template…

  2. Lifting operations and lifting equipment

    Guidance on the requirements of the lifting equipment and lifting operations regulations 1998…

  3. Guidance on workplace inspections

    This is the University Local Rules in compliance with legislation. This document also provides detailed guidance on radiation safety.…

  4. Guidance on hazardous waste disposal and recycling of wastes

    Guidance on the procedures for the disposal of hazardous wastes and recycling other types of waste (2012)…

  5. Postgraduate senate regulations 2020-21

    Senate regulations governing all postgraduate degrees.…

  6. Sustainable and Ethical Procurement Policy

    Aligned with the University of St Andrews Sustainable Development Strategy & the associated Policy Statement, integrating environmental & social responsibilities in the University’s activities.…

  7. Protection of children, young people and vulnerable adutls

    This document has been drawn up in line with the University’s own policy for the protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults, but amended to reflect sport.…

  8. Digital preservation policy

    To provide a statement of the University’s ongoing commitment and approach to preserving its digital content selected for permanent retention, so that materials remain accessible and usable to relevant wide audiences in perpetuity.…

  9. Promotions Procedures 2021

    Academic Staff (Education and Research Focused, Education Focused, Research Focused) applying for Grades 7, 8 or 9…

  10. Assessment, marking and module boards

    Password protected

    Guidance for Schools on marking of continuous assessment, examinations and module boards during the Covid-19 pandemic.…