Course selection
Student and Customer 'First Contact'
Audience: Academic staff, PG research, Professional staff, Research staff, Research supervisors
Date: Wednesday 5 March 2025
Times: 13.00 to 16.30
Key details: In-person, instructor-led workshop designed to empower and build the confidence of front-line, public-facing employees in schools and units manage challenging customer contact situations.
Target audience
All employees, including GTAs and Assistant Wardens, who are likely to come in contact with students, parents, and visitors to the University.
Course pre-work
Participants are expected to complete the following pre-work in advance of the workshop, which will be sent to participants once they have signed up.
Course information
This course is designed to give employees in customer-contact roles more confidence in managing customer facing situations, either in person or over the phone. In this course, participants will receive instructor-led learning and group learning synthesis to develop approaches to dealing with challenging customer interactions and a wide range of emotional responses.
This course has been developed in partnership with Student Services to equip participants with techniques, that compliment their own service knowledge, to help them feel confident in challenging customer service interactions.
Aims and objectives
By the end of the course, participants will learn to...
- Manage our own emotions and influence the emotions of others
- Control conversations to support the needs of customers
- Enhance our questioning and listening in dealing with emotional or distressed states
- Develop assertiveness and be able to ‘push back’ on requests we cannot accommodate
The key points of the course that participants will take away from it are...
- that they can manager their own emotions and those of others.
- facilitating conversation puts you in control of the situation.
- developing quality questions and using advanced listening skills helps to achieve good outcomes.
- assertiveness is key to managing interactions.
Mx Avery Hawkins
CAC:F2 - Lecture Room, Castlecliffe