Course full, waiting list bookings only

Dealing with Difficult Behaviour 1

Audience: Academic staff, Professional staff, Research staff, Research supervisors

Date: Tuesday 18 February 2025

Times: 09.30 to 12.30

Programme: Dignity and Inclusion Portfolio

Course information


 ‘Behaviour by individuals and groups, which causes others problems, and which limits the potential of all concerned to learn and live their lives in as full and free a manner as possible’. (Crawley 2005: 89)

Course Description:

Participants will engage in personal work and dialogue to explore the different types of behaviour in self and others. Case studies will be discussed to look at where behaviours originate and how each individual works with them. This course is set to increase your self awareness, assertiveness and confidence in dealing with difficult behaviour.

 ‘Being assertive does not mean attacking or ignoring others feelings. It means you are willing to hold up for yourself fairly-without attacking others’.  Albert Ellis – ‘Theory of Personality’.


Aims and objectives


  1. To understand different types of behaviour: Passive, Aggressive, Manipulative and Assertive
  2. To learn how to manage the difficult behaviours
  3. To increase self awareness
  4. Understand negative characteristics and their routes
  5. Increase confidence and assertiveness


  1. To recognise different  behaviours and aim to practice how to deal with them
  2. Take away  coping strategies to make positive  change



Sylvia Hillman


Boardroom, Gateway

Course provider
