Chapter and article download issues

We are currently experiencing problems with some of our inter-library loan requests, specifically those for chapters or articles. We are working with colleagues to fix the issue as quickly as possible, but in the meantime you can still access your requests by following the instructions below.

Alternatively, you can contact us via email and we should be able to access your request and can send this on to you. Our apologies for the inconvenience.


  • Once you've made your request, you will receive an email that looks like this:

  • The current issue means that, rather than being taken to your article, the link provided will take you to a page telling you that you are not authorised for access.
  • Instead, please visit the new library search page.
  • Click Sign in, in the top right corner, and login with your University credentials as usual.
  • Then click your name, and select My Requests.

  • Your request will now be visible in list form, with the option to download.

If you experience any issues, or require further assistance, please do get in touch via