First name

Text source

James Logan was a Scottish burgess of Stockholm. When James Logan took his oath as burgess on 14 June 1619 his guarantors were a fellow Scots burgess George Gardner (Gerner) [SSNE 7352] and Thomas Dunker. There is some confusion between 'Jakob Lång' and 'Jakob Logan' in the Swedish sources.

Burgess James Logan perhaps the same James Logan who in 1614 was registered as living at Pårsshanksgränden 'on the north side', presumably Norrmalm, or Norra förstaden as it was known.

In 1620 a James Logan appears in the Stockholm city magistrates' records as a Scottish merchant who on 14 November that year married Regina Jorensdotter, although another source names her as Agneta. The next year, James Logan is registered as paying the town tax for a house in the inner quarter, implying that he had moved into Gamla Stan, which reflects his becoming a burgess of the city.

This James Logan is conflated with ensign James Logan [SSNE 49], murdered by James Muir (his relative) in Stockholm in April 1622.

James Logan was dead by October 1622, as that month his creditors approached the Stockholm magistrates, taking cognizance of how his widow, Agneta Jöransdotter, had been left bereft by the sudden and unexpected death of her husband.

An entry in Dundee City Archives shows that on 15 December 1624 a Mr Alexander Wedderburn younger, dean of guild of Dundee, sought to import iron from Stockholm to Dundee with the iron to be received from James Logan in Stockholm. This must be another man of the same name, given the name of the wife and the date of death (1622).

Sources: Stockholmsstads tänke böcker 1619 (Stockholm, 1974) p.73; Stockholmsstads tänke böcker, 1622-1623 (Stockholm, 1978), p.93. Curt Haij, 'Skottar i Stockholm under 1600-talet', unpublished list of names, Hintze biblioteket, Genealogiska Föreningen, Sundbyberg, Stockholm. Thanks to Ardis Dreisbach for this reference.

 "Jakob Logan -1622: Hustru: Agneta Jöransdotter. Källa: sid 93 1622-23. Sid 159: Stöld i Jakob Långs bod. 1 september 1606. Sid 317: Jakob Långs piga blir anklagad för barnamord. 25 april 1608. Sid 90: Han bodde i Pårsshanksgränden på norra sidan 1614. Sid 69 eller 73: Jakob Logan blir Borgare i Stockholm 14 juni 1619, löftesmän var Jöran Jern och Thomas Dunker. Eventuellt en son till Jakob eller Jöran. Sid 26-28 1622. Thanks to Ola Undin for these references.


James Logan the merchant is often confused with one of the same name who was killed in 1622. The Dundee City Archives, Guildry Minute Book, 1570-1696, fo. 53r-v information shows they were two separate men. Many thanks to Dr Thomas Brochard for this information.


Service record

Departed 1624-12-15