First name

Text source

Colonel William Johnstone (same man as SSNE 570?) served the Stuart Crown during the late 1640s and early 1650s. He was once described as the agent in Hamburg of Father John Seaton, Montrose's recruiting officer in Holland. Along with Colonel John Henderson [SSNE 53], Johnstone acted as an envoy to Brunswick-Luneberg-Calenberg and Brunswick-Luneberg-Celle (Hannover) in 1649. In May 1651 Colonel Johnstone was sent by Charles II to Bergen in Norway to collect guns and ammunition left there from the ill-fated Montrosian campaign. Already in October 1650 King Frederik III of Denmark-Norway had commanded Ove Bjelke, the governor of Bergen, to make sure that the guns and ammunition there should be kept as it could come in handy for his own uses. On Johnstone's arrival Bjelke wrote to Frederik III seeking guidance on what he should do with Johnstone. On 8 May Frederik III responded that Johnstone should provide satisfactory documented evidence of his identity and mission, and that Bjelke should retain the goods. In September Johnstone, now referred to as a knight of Orkney, was still seeking the restitution of these items, which included 2 copper pieces of 3lb and 2lb, 6 regimental pieces and powder. This time Frederik III appears to have agreed to release them.This is probably the same man who in 1656 came to serve the Tsar with Thomas Dalyell, and William Drummond (SSNE 3863). In 1658 he received safe-conduct for his wife to go to their children in Scotland after his mother-in-law died. In 1659 he helped Drummond to take revenge on a German merchant who insulted Scots.

Norske Rigsregistranter, ed. Y. Nielsen and E.A. Thomle, vol. 10 (Christiania, 1887), p. 208 and p.267 and p.512; L. Bittner and L. Gross, Reportorium der diplomatischen vertreter aller lander, vol. 1, 1648-1715 (Oldenburg and Berlin, 1936), p.181; D. Maclean, The Counter Reformation in Scotland, 1560-1930 (London, 1931), p.122; W. Barnhill and P. Dukes, 'North-east Scots in Muscovy in the seventeenth century' in Northern Scotland, vol. 1, no. 1, 1972, pp.49-63; D. Fedosov, The Caledonian Connection (Aberdeen, 1996).

From Andrew Lind:

Lieutenant-Colonel William Johnston, son of the Royalist provost, Robert Johnston, and a veteran of Swedish service. Heads the Royalist council of war in Aberdeen during 1639 alongside other prominent local Royalists and oversees the training of the Aberdeen muster (who are equipped by the Marquis of Huntly). After the first occupation of Aberdeen by Montrose, Johnston musters and leads a force of 800 Royalists from Strathbogie alongside the Lairds of Haddo and Banff who re-occupy the burgh and engage a Covenanter host at the Trot of Turriff on 14 May 1639. Johnston then joins up with Aboyne after he lands with reinforcements. He appears to have been Aboyne’s second in command at this point, writing letters on behalf of the Royalist army to the Marquis of Hamilton. I never came across him again after 1639. Sources: NRS, GD406/1/858 (Viscount Aboyne to the Marquis of Hamilton, 9 June 1639) NRS, GD406/1/859 (William Johnston to the Marquis of Hamilton, 10 June 1639) Aberdeen Burgh Council Extracts, 1625-1642, p.148 Munro, Memorials of the Aldermen, Provosts, and Lord Provosts of Aberdeen, pp.139-140

Service record

Capacity AGENT, purpose DIPLOMACY
Departed 1649-09-25
Capacity ENVOY, purpose DIPLOMACY
Departed 1651-09-06
Departed 1656-12-31, as COLONEL
Capacity OFFICER, purpose MILITARY