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This is What was Next

Emily McKay, MA 2012, MLitt 2013

Contemporary eco-poetry delivered by a decidedly female voice, which explores the nature of atheism not as emptiness but an openness worthy of celebration.

The lines of This is What was Next are so precise, so tense, that they function like the wires of a finely tuned piano, or the silk of a spider’s web. The text, with a tiny movement of word, a repetition, alternation, or change, fixes you in place or enraptures you with a tone. This is ecological poetry with a radical philosophy of mind, in the tradition of Lorine Niedecker or R. F. Langley; more than just troubled observations from the edge of nature, they turn back on us what Donna Haraway calls our ‘complicity’ with other organisms until we are, as McKay writes, “struck anonymous”.                                          Dr Callie Gardner, editor of Zarf Poetry.

ISBN: Pending
