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Ground Penetrating Radar Theory and Practice

Erica Carrick Utsi, BSc (1973)

A practical guide on using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), a powerful underground surveying technique applied to a wide range of investigations from security searches through the location of pipes and services, archaeology, and forensics through to environmental, mining and glaciology investigations.

The book is intended primarily for practitioners but also for those, like civil and structural engineers, who commission GPR surveys. The book gives guidance on the critical factors in using GPR explaining the significance of wavelength for both depth and target detection, the effects of water and air and the importance of velocity calibration. It also covers basic data processing, provides a checklist of survey considerations and includes both practical examples and case studies.

It also provides guidance on the current regulatory framework for the use of GPR, an introduction to GPR associations, suggested further reading and a basic glossary of technical terms.

ISBN: 978-0-08-102216-0
