Report and Support Second ReportAction plan for 2022 and 2023
We will continue to meet with the Report and Support fora to understand experiences of reports and to maintain an overview of the reporting process. We are keen to understand and remove barriers to reporting and to facilitate effective action where possible. We will monitor definitions to ensure inclusivity. With students and staff in the fora, we identified the following areas for enhancement in 2022/3.
Providing more targeted support
Explore the option to include Postgraduate and Undergraduate and others, rather than ‘Student’ when choosing relationship with the University. This could potentially enable more targeted support and understanding.
Improving trust in the system
We will continue to review report outcomes to reflect more accurately how Student Services, Student Conduct and Human Resources respond.
Learning from those who have made a report
Develop a way of receiving feedback that widens the feedback base to include both those who have reported and those who have not reported.
Increasing understanding in the student and staff community of the reporting process
By adding another video to those already in the Support pages. This new video will describe the processes after a report has made.
Increasing awareness of Report and Support
By promoting Report and Support as an option for the most reported categories e.g., sexual harassment, misconduct, assault, bullying and microaggressions.