Last update: 28-04-2014


Rothiemurchus Scots pine woodlands


A few kilometres from the conference venue is the Rothiemurchus Estate. This Estate has been in the Grant Family since the 16th century but the human history of the region goes much further back in time (~5000-4700 years BP). Rothiemurchus encompasses one of the largest remnant patches of Scots pine woodland in Scotland and has been the centre of intense dendrochronological research (Scottish Pine Project) undertaken at the University of St Andrews over the past 7 years.

A short bus trip will bring delegates to the visitor car park at the northern end of Loch an Eilein within the Rothiemurchus Estate and the excursion will encompass a guided 4-5 km low level easy walk around the Loch.

Delegates will be told about the Holocene environmental changes within the region as well as the severe human impact upon the pine woodlands that has occurred over the last 1000 years. Despite these severe anthropogenic impacts, sub-fossil material from this region will not only allow the development of a 1000-2000 year temperature reconstruction, but is also providing information on long-term ecological changes back 8000 years.

Through these guided tours, we will introduce some of the pine ecology of the region, the influence of logging on the pine woodlands and their current recovery. The tour will also allow you to place your hand on remnant pine material that is ~7800 years old.